Nice fallenj he is kind of classic old music his music has also been in some movies that I have seen.
Perhaps because I score fairly high on psychopath test (No on questions like have I done murder and No on questions have I been in prison) I meant I have very little empathy. This is not always nice. Once a woman after dating told me lets get married. She asked me do you love me? I told her the thruth I feel nothing like love, but I like you and feel sexually attracted to her. However we broke up and she could not understand that I have extreemly difficult to fall in love that can indeed take a long time for me if it happens at all.
Well I do not have any children but I am uncle to my brothers 3 children and they like me. Well so if I get no children then I know who will get my fortune so to say. On the other hand my countrys president Finland president became father again at 70 age (and that is decades older then me currently) married to a 40 year wife. His first wife had died and he has also adult children. The biological clock to get children for men is much longer time.
Anyway on old classic stuff long before I was even born. I like the Old Classic movie Psycho (1960) Psycho classic old movie 1960
Oh I do have liitle bit of Emphathy. I feel sorry for the people in Ukraine due to war.
Now my mother still lives and she like Elvis Presley a lot. I was actually planning to go and see the Elvish Presley movie in cinemas. Well not that movie is going to be my top favorite or so. My favorite movie in recent times is Top Gun Maverick from movies recently seen in cinema.
All that said I also like modern music. This is one of my favorite tunes in the gym when I train:
Well and if speaking of very old training music:
Personally for me of all Rocky movies I have liked Rocky IV most.
Very old training music video:
Well and speaking of old NOSTALGIA music here we go:
Oh my found at least slightly more modern GOTH music that I like. I do not like CURE music.
However these: Well and this tune despite being from year 2015 has so slow TEMPO it could be 80ies tunes, but uses also more modern music:
Well and their perhaps best tune down below according to my taste! I posted on YOUTUBE my comment under that song this comment: I like this cool song very much and excellent music! This music reminds me of DEMONS in other Dimension. About Pen and Paper fantasy roleplaying.... How dangerous can DEMONS be? In GURPS fantasy world where it is more realistic and more easy to die then in Dungeons Dragons... We were so powerful so when we retreated from a Castle with over 100 Orcs and some other races nobody followed us when we retreated into the forest!!! Every enemy that came near was slaughtered by my Deadly Warpriest or my brothers Barbarian!! Funny was then my character had MEGALOMANIA and said we will stay here and kill them all 100+ guards and no doubt their leaders are more dangerous!! The others said no to that suggestion so since not suicidal followed them. Anyway I had wished for a HORROR adventure... and we found a treasure map after that Orc fortress... and later down we went with rope through a shaft (and no teleport or fly spells did we have ). Into a Cavern and from there appeared a HUGE DEMON that killed our weak distant players character , knocked out my brothers Barbarian unconscious and bleeding on the floor, wounded our Mage much who also had used all ours spells and our Woman Thief played by a Woman was fleeing for her life Demon hot in pursuit! Only then stepped my ELITE character Warpriest in front of it pumped to KINGDOM COME with magical spells, My Warpriest was ELITE also in melee and had trained with Dagger used the artifact Dagger (the Thief had found it in the Cavern despite low Magic World) that seemed to be the only weapon that could give damage to the HUGE MAJOR DEMON! My Warpriest killed the Major Demon and if failed everyone in the party would have died! However generally speaking Dragons and Major Demons seems the worst enemies you can encounter in fantasy RPG games... In the DARK mean for me DEMONS:
This time from USA band In This Moment one of their new tunes that I like:
A very nasty youtube video about Werewolves:
Well and a nasty song about Prostitution. Prostitution is legal in Finland and Denmark of Nordic countries, but in Denmark is even Cannabis legal or decriminalized to some degree. In Sweden, Norway and Island is prostitution illegal. I support legaliazation of prostitution as long as it is adults and voluntary!