Originally Posted by Wormerine
I genuinely wonder if there are people who play BG3 for more then couple hours and don’t skip through cinematics.

I don't skip them. I enjoy the cinematics.

I can understand that some people skip them. What I find odd is that someone else has trouble understanding that other people enjoy them.


Regarding the chain system, I don't have a problem with it. It works fine as far as I can tell. When the characters are chained, they move together. When they're unchained, they move separately. Not sure what the problem is.

I've heard someone around here mention that they have trouble with basic movement, like jumping and accidentally leaping off the Nautiloid. I can't even imagine that or figure out how they're having that problem. It sounds like a complete lack of control that doesn't reflect any of my personal playthroughs or any of the play I've watched others go through.