Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by JandK
Regarding the chain system, I don't have a problem with it. It works fine as far as I can tell. When the characters are chained, they move together. When they're unchained, they move separately. Not sure what the problem is.

Everything between "all" and "nothing", for a start. Like attempting to do something QUICKLY with just two or three characters.
Or anything that requires precise positioning.
Or setting up coordinate maneuvers and/or ambushes.
Or keeping up an ordinate formation.

Well, the list could go on, but would it matter? Tomorrow you'd be here again pretending you never got your answer and wondering for the nth time "what could be wrong with it".

1. Quickly? I'm not sure what you mean. Maybe I just take my time. You can only go as quick as you can click on things, I suppose.

2. Precise positioning? Unchain, then position as necessary. Why does that not work for you?

3. Maneuvers and ambushes? Can you not ambush? You have sneak options, vision cones provided and highlighted in red, no less. Every character can generally get a shot off before combat as long as you're paying attention to your positions.

4. Formations. I accept that there aren't any formations, but I've never found them all that necessary in this game so it doesn't bother me.

5. I suspect I've said "I think the system is okay" far less than you've repeated yourself about not liking it.

Originally Posted by Sozz
It's that transition from chained to unchained and back that is the big issue. That and some of the possibly related pathfinding issues.

I guess I've just gotten really good at chaining and unchaining.

There's the occasional pathfinding issue, but it's never that bad for me. In fact, it's gotten much better over the patches, and I suspect it will continue to improve.