Originally Posted by ArcaneHobbit
The issue with these conditions is that they're purely mechanical and feel very artificial and "gamey". As such no one in the actual world of the Forgotten Realms would create items like these. Compare something like the boots of speed to BG3's linebreaker boots:

"While you wear these boots, you can use a bonus Action and click the boots' heels together. If you do, the boots double your walking speed, and any creature that makes an opportunity Attack against you has disadvantage on the Attack roll. If you click your heels together again, you end the Effect."

"When the wearer dashes or takes a similar action during combat they gain Wrath for 3 turns."

One of these makes actual sense in-universe (boots of speed make you faster and the other effects are mechanical ways of abstracting the side effects of this increase in speed) and as such is the type of item that someone might conceivably make. The other item only makes sense in the context of the abstraction that is DnD combat and uses a weird status effect that doesn't make any sense (what is wrath actually supposed to be in-universe?).
Well put. And as others have said, it doesn't really make sense that someone would enchant an entire set of equipment that is reliant on a single source of gaining "charges." Maaaaybe it can be understood as being pseudo-battery powered, but then I feel like the "battery" would be a consumable and not attached to swinging specific weapons. Like, if you're going to go through the trouble of enchanting items, just create normal +1 armor?? Or a +1 sword that deals an extra 1d8 lightning damage on a crit. And really? Naming said equipment "The Sparky Points" or "The Protecty Sparkswall" (*sigh*)??

Also, item sets in general are often blegh imo. By the time you acquire the full set, you're probably finding and/or able to buy better armor. And it's just disappointing when you find a cool piece of equipment, but then have to give up your full-equipment-set-bonus to put it on (usually ~very soon after you've just found the full set).