This was the other cRPG kitchen sink thread, so I suppose I'll bump this with that announcement by the Owlcat devs yesterday.
Apparently this is a fully turn-based game, and the Rogue Trader premise is seemingly VERY different from what the other Warhammer 40k games use. Meaning it probably won't be brimming with as much edgy grimdarkness as the rest of the lore seems to require.
RTwP is quite possibly dead for the foreseeable future, although I also imagine that a new Pathfinder game is probably also being developed on the side. The trailer seems to indicate a good chunk of development has already been done, while IIRC WotR didn't get a trailer until the kickstarter began about 2-3 months after the announcement, and said trailer was mostly devs talking about the project. We heard of Owlcat recruiting for a project like this as far back as 2 years ago, and I vaguely remember a pre-release WotR AMA where the community liaison at the Pathfinder subreddit said that their next project was likely to be a purely turn-based game.
There's also that curious recent job posting looking for someone with experience in third person shooters.
Yup, got this as an email from Owlcat today. But I don't care for the Warhammer 40K setting, plus it's TB. So easy pass on this game for me.
Simultaneously today we got the announcement of the name for the new DA game. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Looking forward to that game, including its RTwP combat system, because even if DA:D's combat system ends up sucking it's bound to be waaaaaay better than any TB system.