I didn't think it was possible, because of they've already made the "zany" design choice to give the player the heavily fleshed out choice between removing and romancing the tadpole, but this whole "box debacle" makes it seem they're even more completely obsessed with acknowledging idiotic and "funny" choices, as legitimate ways to successfully play the game. Shielding the player from self-inflicted failure on every turn.

Still somewhat suprised, that Larian's management is so hideously inefficient. Starting production without a mostly solid script, you know you can implement, especially when the game relies heavily on full VO, mocap dialogue/animations seems unbelievably amateurish. They could have just nipped the permutation mess in the bud, if they'd just stickied the protective cube into the players inventory when we awake on the beach. Maybe even make it obvious in a cutscene where the cube changes possession, that it is the one protecting us from the deadly fall.

But I guess they just couldn't resist giving the player the wacky freedom of choice(with guaranteed success) to ignore/toss potentially important character and a likely essential plot item.

Last edited by IdPreferNotTo; 06/06/22 08:16 AM.

The promise of being led to death is reason enough to follow.