Solasta's resting system has been brought up, and I will say that while it does some things better, like a more elaborate short rest system, it's not perfect. It does limit long rests to specific map locations and require rations, and there is a random encounter system, but there are some caveats.

Rations are mostly impactful for long-distance traveling - and only if you don't have the Goodberry spell. Once at the locations, rations tend to be fairly generous to find lying around. Random encounters only happen during travel, and only one a night, so for random encounters, you can just use all your spell resources because you'll have a long rest before you continue.

All encounters in-dungeon are pre-placed and one-offs. Long rest points are pretty generously placed, and usually you can just walk or fast-travel back to a previous point if you haven't found another one. I've never had a random encounter happen in a dungeon. In the main campaign, only the final dungeon really strains your resources because you get the long rest before entering the dungeon, and there isn't any long resting inside at all. There are four smaller encounters before the two-stage final boss encounter. That's the only time in the main campaign when there's serious resource management.

So even in Solasta, which has a good system, it's still pretty generous. I think the big difference between the two games might be in the difficulty of encounters. BG 3 might have a higher tuned difficulty which encourages more long resting. Smaller encounters which need less resources to consume would organically lead to more players using fewer long rests.