Originally Posted by robertthebard
3. Un-limit SRs, but limit them. Is it any wonder some people are scratching their heads?

OK. Sorry. Explained this so many times that I didn't realize how it might come across to someone who hasn't read the explanation before.

By Un-limit SRs, I mean make it so that you can do more than 2 per day. My point is that the resting system is backwards. Short Rests should be promoted. A DM should WANT the players to SR as much as they can while LR'ing less. This stretches out the adventuring day so it doesn't feel like players have sucky, bad, weak characters. You WANT players to feel like their characters are powerful, even at level 1. You don't want players to feel like they can't kill anything and their characters are dumb.

So, you promote SRs. Limiting SRs to 2 per day, however, while having unlimited LRs essentially says, "Hey players. LR more and SR less."

But, you still need SOME sort of limits to SRs or you will then make those who benefit more from SRs more powerful than those who only benefit from LRs. In other words, if SRs aren't limited in some way, Warlocks then become MORE powerful than Wizards. Warlocks only ever get a few spell slots, even at higher levels, but their spell slots reset per SR. Meanwhile, Wizards get WAY more spell slots, but they only reset via LR. So, if SRs are totally unlimited, the Warlock can spam SR forever and wind up having more spell slots than Wizards, making them more powerful. But, as the game is currently, with only 2 SRs per day, the Warlock's class is totally nerfed.

That's why I said they should do like 5e was designed and limit SRs via Hit Dice. As was mentioned by someone on this thread, SRs eventually do promote LR because you only get half your Hit Dice back per LR. So, you have to strategically use Hit Dice and plan them out well, along with your SRs, so you don't mess yourself over later.

And THAT'S what I want. Strategy. Something meaningful. Something more than a push of a button that is a convenience, and something that promotes SRs and discourages just using LRs. I want things to have meaning and purpose. Otherwise, just remove it.

Seriously, I'd rather they do something like NWN, where resting was a five second "bend the knee" moment and then you continue on with your day than this current resting system. At least then I'd feel like my characters aren't sleeping their lives away with brain-eating tadpoles in their heads.

See this is another thing ... you try hard to make the expression you dont care ... but if you dont care, why bother telling us that you dont care? smile

"But whatever. Again. It doesn't matter." This phrase does not mean "I don't care." It means that no matter how much you argue with me, and how much I respond to you - no matter how much we pick apart each other's comments and statements and whatever - at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. What are we changing? Even if I were to somehow convince you that I'm right and the current resting system sucks, it changes nothing. You aren't Larian. You won't go and change the game. Likewise, even if you convinced me to leave the game as is, it changes nothing. I'm not Larian. They might change the game regardless of what we decide - and they might even do it in a way we don't want.

So it doesn't matter, and thus, why waste time going back and forth picking apart the things we say to each other. See, you keep trying to do that, and to get me to do that, but I don't want to. I state my suggestion and opinion. You state yours. Larian now knows what we both think. Great. Glad.

And you know what else motivates me to not go back and forth with you? You're probably going to get what you want in the end anyway? Why? Because what you want is for Larian to virtually change very little in the game. So, you win - or you will likely win. So why bother? It's exhausting trying to answer your responses, and I frankly just don't have time. I'm only responding now because I care about you and don't like just ignoring people.

But anyway, you know what? I'm also perfectly fine if Larian doesn't change anything. I love the game. I'd love to see it improved, and I'd love to see some of my suggestions actually done in the game, but I'm fine with them not doing them. Why? Because I love the game. Do I think it could be better? Yes. That's why I bothered to come out here and post suggestions. I wanted to make the game better. I wanted to be apart of building a fun and exciting game.

But in the end, what do I have to show for it? Which of my suggestions did they actually implement? Hmmm...

So, I say again, "it doesn't matter."