Originally Posted by GM4Him
What are the benefits of this system?

1. More special ability and spell slot resets for classes like Warlock, Fighter, Monk, Druid, etc.
2. Arcane Recovery is now done via short rests, making short rests more valuable to wizards.
3. Short rests are encouraged while long rests are not needed as much. Thus, the adventuring day is extended instead of having people adventure 5 minutes and take the rest of the day off.
4. YOU get to decide how much your characters heal every short rest. You don't just have 2 per day, and if 1 or 2 characters didn't need to short rest, so what. It's not a wasted short rest. You could just have 2 characters heal and save the Hit Dice for the other two characters until they need it.
5. You can short rest a lot, switch out to still fully rested characters who haven't used Hit Dice, and continue your adventure with your still fully rested characters while leaving those you've spent Hit Dice for back at camp. Thus, you CAN utilize your WHOLE party more. You can switch out characters and still continue to short rest that day and receive benefits for it. In current game, if I've spent my 2 short rests with one party of 4, and I go to camp and switch out some of them, I can't short rest anymore.
6. Dialogues can be switched to short rest triggered dialogues pretty easily. Why? Because they could still have you go to camp during a short rest, and still have the dialogues they've already worked so hard on take place at camp. The only difference would be that it isn't night. It's day now when they take place. But, the benefit is that you wouldn't miss a lot of those dialogues that you miss now if you don't long rest frequently. In other words, by tying the dialogues to short rest, you have a much better chance that people will trigger them. And, just in case people skip short rests and just do long, they could still be tied to long rest too - so tied to both so players don't miss them.

So, again, to recap. What would they really need to change?

1. Short Rests trigger dialogues.
2. Remove the limit of 2 Short Rests per day.
3. Add the Hit Dice mechanic to Short Rests.
4. Send the party to camp for a Short Rest so dialogues can be done. (If they don't have to do this, I'm good with that. I just put this in here because I figure they probably would want to do this to make their lives easier. I am ALL for dialogues happening outside of camp on the road. I'd prefer it, actually.)
5. Make Arcane Recovery only available during a Short Rest as a simple, extra little button you press right near the Hit Dice buttons.
6. Limit food more (and this is a maybe. If they keep food as a limit for long resting, they really do need to limit it more).

This is an excellent write up. While Solasta is not a favorite of mine, the short rest mechanic in it was excellent. And I would shift spell preparation to SR as well, it's just makes a lot more sense that way.

Limiting LR is other thing and, while I do hope for some improvements in that regard, I don't see Larain succeeding at that. Every single attempt to translate LR mechanic into cRPGs failed in some regard.