Too funny seing people criticize WoTr...yet what ELSE IS THERE TO COMPARE?? Solasta? BG3? and uuuh...DOS2?! There is so much content and detail in that game its just too easy to rip it apart. Truth is, there is nothing like it nowadays. I think its hardly overrated. Its not perfect but it has PLENTY of GREAT THINGS. For every couple things you dislike I can give you a BOAT load of good things. Which is the total opposite of BG3.
How much garbage there is compared to worthwhile stuff? In my book one doesn't get point for creating 100-200hour experience, if only handful of those hours are worth experiencing. These days I value my time more then money. I can't comment for WotC as I didn't try it out, but that is how I felt about Kingmaker. I can compare it to many things - and it comfortably sits as the worst campaign I played alongside original Nevewinter Nights - really poor story, horrible pacing, small amount of content spread throughout a bloated, repetitive map, just overall a poorly designed title. If you asked me which one I want to replay less, it would be a tough pick. I backed the sequel though - I don't have a courage to fire it up, though.
I am glad you like their games. It might be Bethesda thing again - many people enjoyed their games, and I just can't see why.