I can't wait to play WOTR. I've been enjoying Kingmaker a lot now that I put it on Normal mode. Sure. There are things I don't like as much - like webs and other area effects literally remaining after a battle is over until their time is up, even if it's for 10 minutes or something... Guess I'll go get something to snack on while I wait.

But for the most part, it's a blast. I'd LOVE it if BG3 took some tips and tricks from them; maybe a blend of Solastra, Pathfinder and BG3 as it is current. Take all the good from the other two games and ditch the stupid stuff.

For example, I like that Pathfinder has time. However, they take it to the other extreme from BG3. BG3 has a burning building still burning for days upon days. Pathfinder makes you sit and wait for the spell effects to end in realtime. I'd like a blend of these two. We don't need a full blown realtime clock in BG3, but some better concept of time would be greatly appreciated and way more immersive - LIKE A DAY/NIGHT CYCLE. Larian! Please! Give us a button to transition from day to night and night to day instead of forcing Drow to travel in broad daylight.