Originally Posted by GM4Him
I can't wait to play WOTR. I've been enjoying Kingmaker a lot now that I put it on Normal mode. Sure. There are things I don't like as much - like webs and other area effects literally remaining after a battle is over until their time is up, even if it's for 10 minutes or something... Guess I'll go get something to snack on while I wait.

But for the most part, it's a blast. I'd LOVE it if BG3 took some tips and tricks from them; maybe a blend of Solastra, Pathfinder and BG3 as it is current. Take all the good from the other two games and ditch the stupid stuff.

For example, I like that Pathfinder has time. However, they take it to the other extreme from BG3. BG3 has a burning building still burning for days upon days. Pathfinder makes you sit and wait for the spell effects to end in realtime. I'd like a blend of these two. We don't need a full blown realtime clock in BG3, but some better concept of time would be greatly appreciated and way more immersive - LIKE A DAY/NIGHT CYCLE. Larian! Please! Give us a button to transition from day to night and night to day instead of forcing Drow to travel in broad daylight.

WotR does give spellcasters a "dispel" ability that they can use to dispel effects that they cast. This is useful in cases where you put a web spell across a hallway that you now would like to walk through. They may have also added it to Kingmaker (not sure). Regardless, its not particularly obvious that you can do this, so you may need to investigate.

Also relevant, WotR allows spellcasters to learn to cast "selective" spells, which only affect enemies. Selective grease is a standard approach to just about all encounters in act 2.