Yeah, there really needs some love to the party camp for evil players. Even in the case of the ones that aren't locked off for walking the evil path (like Halsin and Barcus) I felt like the game was punishing me none-too-subtlety. Volo basically flat-out tells you he's going to pun quill to paper and tell the world what a horrible person you are, and if you have the ability to speak with animals, the dog will tell you that he 'hopes the goblins aren't your friends' Really a dearth of content in that area if you choose to play as an evil character.

As for candidates? Sazza seems like a good one if you spare her Minthara's wrath. She already knows you aren't 100% what you seem to be already, and she's kind of in a situation where it would be best to make herself scarce. Going with the player could work with some added/reworked dialogue.

Abdirak could be another candidate. He's evil, but friendly. He's not strictly aligned with the absolute but doesn't have any hang-ups working with them either. He expresses disappointment in the goblins and as he's basically a mercenary, I can see him wanting to 'move on' giving him a place in your camp could possibly be an option?

Maybe some sort of Zhentish merchant if you developed your relationship with them?

Minthara....IDK, I really want her as a companion, to balance out the loss of Wyll if you ally with her. Considering what we know about the datamined companions, 'lack of party member options on the evil side' might be a whole 'nother kettle of fish Larian will hopefully deal with, and IMO Minthara fits the role of an evil npc that could step up to fill gaps left by good companions better than any other options right now IMO. And I know I'd be pretty disappointed if the only exclusively evil-path romance option was only a camp follower, and not a full companion like every other romance option so far.

FYI if you save Wroot first and then help Minthara, he'll be at the party...and then give you a piece of his mind before leaving.

Last edited by Leucrotta; 18/06/22 02:55 PM.