Originally Posted by PrivateRaccoon
Originally Posted by JandK
Tommy is a master swordsman. He rolls a one and misses the enemy. "Oh, well, you can't hit them all," he thinks.

Then he rolls another one and misses again. This time he gets mad.

So we make a rule that he no longer has to roll to hit because it's beneath him.

But now you're talking about attack rolls not ability checks. Sure, on pure principles they are the same I guess but my understanding of OP's request is to remove the critical 1/20 in ability checks, not attack rolls.

I know that the post is talking about ability checks. But it is the same logic, which points out the weakness of the argument being presented.

What it comes down to, in my opinion, is that some folks don't want to fail at trivial tasks. Maybe they feel better always winning at those things, or maybe they don't want to waste the time rolling. All that's fine, but that should be the argument. Not some dressed up bit of illogic.

Obviously, experts can fail at their own craft sometimes. It happens every day. This is common sense.