Harrim has become pretty amazing the more I analyze him. He comes off as a doomer at the surface level, but make him your religious advisor and you can tell that he either doesn't fully believe in it (which is something his personal quest touches upon) and/or he's very pragmatic about having things remain relatively okay with the time everyone has until the inevitable end of the world. He surprisingly advocates for religious freedom, will suggest enacting decrees that help people from a pragmatic standpoint, and is probably the most sane advisor you can have in Kingmaker.
Indeed. And he is also a surprisingly useful, versatile companion in your party (if you are careful in how you spec and equip him).
Him not having enough charisma to get Selective Channel as a feat is kind of a big headscratcher as to what whoever assigned his ability scores was thinking. He does make for a good frontliner though, unlike Tristian, giving whom his supposedly deity-assigned scimitar is probably the worst way to equip him (he has 9 Strength, if I am not mistaken?), and he can't wear armor or dip into one monk level to at least have naked AC on account of his alignment. He would pretty much just spam channeling/heal/mass heal depending on the situation in my case, and plink away with a crossbow.