People you've killed will refuse to talk to you, but if you cast Disguise Self (or drop Disguise Self) then they won't be aware of this fact, and you can proceed as normal. I'm not sure, but bringing in party members who weren't in the fight might also work. I'm not sure any more than this is really necessary.
Also, they've given us a few items that let us cast Speak with Dead for free.
I know that, maybe I haven't explained properly what I am asking.
For better understanding, the following scenario: I kill someone, and I don't know about the limitation that you cannot speak with a dead person you killed because they don't want to speak to their killers. Or lets say I do know that, but I forgot and cast the spell on the corpse before realising that it won't talk to me. Now I disguise self, and want to cast the spell on the corpse again to actually speak with it, but I cant anymore, its not anymore possible to target that corpse with the spell because I technically already 'talked' to it.
What i am asking is that they please make it so that if you have tried to talk to a corpse but they refused to tell you anything because you killed the person, you can still afterwards try once more when you have disguised yourself.
The reason why I think this should be added is because I think this limitation makes the game no more fun, it doesn't add anything other than frustration.
Just to be clear: There should absolutely be a liitation of how many times you can talk to a corpse, which is 1 time of course, but 'talking' to them when they don't give you answers because you are their killer shouldnt count as one.
I hope that makes sense, don't know how else to explain.