In the case of the Arueshalae, the subclass doesn't matter because of her stats, they are terribly exaggerated. In fact, the only thing she losing is a pet, but the ranger bound is still quite strong. From what I tested, she achieves a much better accuracy than Lann, who is pure Zen Archer. The only problem is spell resistance which sometimes blocks buffs for some reason.
As for demons, I am aware that most of them are resistant to electricity, but in the case of blackwater they got 10 or 15 electricity regeneration. At least they fixed it fairly quickly. The problem with the ascended element is that if the player does not know about bracers (they have not worked for a long time), there is absolutely no reason to choose this talent over fire. There are 4-5 electric spells in the game and half of them are terribly weak. The first spell that makes sense is chain lighting which is a level 6 spell.
what i like alot about pathfinder ruleset or dnd3.5e? was that composite longbow allow you to add strength to the damage where lann has an edge over arueshalae. 22 DEX is sure nice for a starting +6 to hit. however, you don't get her early. i still choose lann as he can have an option for a sabertooth. yes arueshalae has advantage over lann. the way i play it was that lann is for early mid game and i have him swapped for arue mid to late game. ranger favored enemy is truly nice that is for sure and very potent for tough enemies.
thats what i like about pathfinder wrath of righteous. initially i omitted nenio. and turn out she make alot of fights so freaking easy. again i don't have much issue on blackwater but honestly i do find a lot of lightning wand lying around to last hit those augmented humans. also if not mistaken, camellia (she is useful is she not?) has call lightning.
you are right on the stormlord resolve bracers. it's probably one of the itemization for a spontaneous lightning caster build which if your main happened to be one. i usually have ember on ascended fire. i think her late game spells like chain lightning and stormbolts come pretty late game which pointless to focus on lightning. also not sure but i think if someone has shocking grasp that probably works too?
in short, pathfinder wrath of the righteous is truly a masterpiece for myself and really love every single bit of it. i do understand however, it may not be for everyone.
after playing solasta for awhile, there still not one ruleset that i truly like. i really like a new version of ruleset where it combines pathfinder ruleset with dnd5e. the only think i hated about dnd5e was concentration.
You forget about the ranger spells. Hurricane bow and vital sense are doing their job.