Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Rhobar121
These games have a lot of problems and they are quite serious, so it is justified.
And if it does not bother someone, it is his business.
Yeah, sure. Whatever floats your boat.
It's just amusing to see that same super-harsh standards aren't applied to other titles that have just as many problems, if not arguably worse ones.

There are several aspects of DOS 1, 2 and (admittedly, to a lesser degree SO FAR) BG3 that annoy me just as much if not MORE than anything wrong with Kingmaker or Wrath of the Righteous.
Not to mention there's also plenty of foregone conclusions about "TERRIBLE THINGS" the two Owlcat games do and "shouldn't do" that I simply disagree with.

Case in point: for all its shortcoming, I'll take a flawed Kingdom management over a game not even ATTEMPTING to give some sense of scale to its own central adventure.

Everybody has their priorities. As someone who both supported Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous on Kickstarter, took part in a both alpha and beta for the former. I have clocked over 1000 hours in Kingmaker and I enjoyed it (especially with closer to pnp fixes mods) a lot more more than Larain's D:OS2. However with release of WoTR in its bugged state, it's clear for me that Owlcat is happy to not only release game with broken mechanics, misleading descriptions, but continue to ignore those issues. For me, who enjoys the discovery of playing different classes and trying out things for myself, finding out after 70 hours that a 12th level class or mythic choice is bugged, just shows a complete lack of respect for a costumer. This literally happened on my first play-through of WoTR, when my bloodrager started dispelling his own buffs with Aeon abillties. Or persistent metamagic was useless for half of spells. And the list could continue for 20 page document. The mod attempting to fix those issues has a really long change list.

For people who enjoy copying online builds or just play for story not mechanics that might not be an issue, but it was for me, especially since it happened second time.

On the other hand, while I have some issues with BG3, I at least see an attempt to ensure that stuff they put in the game works. That just can't be said about Owlcat.

Last edited by Elebhra; 27/06/22 07:23 PM.