Originally Posted by SerraSerra
yeah kinda bothers me that they prefer spending 1000's of monies on voice acting stupid lines of secondary npc's buried in an infamously large number of 'permutations' instead of going all in on the overall in-game universe 'immersiveness'. Seems weird to invest so much in lines of text many players will never even experience while the in-game world which all players have to experience is seriously lacking in terms of its representation. Players need to make abstraction of time-space, suspend disbelief for teleport stones, accept obvious plot armors to have vamps running around in the day, etc. etc. etc. but hey, that random npc with nothing to say or offer has fully acted voice lines and ray-tracing in his farts. No schedule though, that's too much...

I applaud their vision and love the idea!

I am with you though...cake first, then frosting.