Originally Posted by Icelyn
Another AMA would be great to learn more recent info about the game. In an early interview they did say they are not including a day/night cycle and why, however: https://wccftech.com/baldurs-gate-3...-to-fan-feedback-adding-raytracing/amp/.

Just 1 more day until PFH! celebrate

OK. Petition to the mods, or whoever reads this forum for Larian to close the day/night megathread and link to the following statement making it clear there won't be any day, night cycle or toggle. Perhaps also add this to the EA faq Q: 'Will there be a day night cycle in BG3', A: 'Unfortunately not.' Lets move on then to the next topic.

Edit: Here's the relevant section of the interview linked by Icelyn (thx for sharing btw):

During the original Divinity: Original Sin crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter, the very last stretch goal mentioned a day and night cycle, NPC schedules and weather systems. All of these could have impacted NPCs, monsters and magic. Do you still discuss the possibility of making a truly simulated game world at some point in the future?

Adam: I do in my own head constantly. I think it's a very different game. One of my favorite games of all time is Ultima Seven and it was the first game that I played that had proper NPC behaviors. You could wait for someone to go to the pub and then you could rob their shop. I love stuff like that, but a game that's built like that does very different things. We are very, very story focused as well and there's things that you lose. Also: multiplayer. We're a multiplayer game and day-night cycles in multiplayer becomes incredibly complicated. We're doing so many really complex things already that we know are going to be really good that, on top of that, it wouldn't fit this game.

I love simulated worlds and we have a lot of that stuff in there. We don't do the day-night cycle but we do the things where things in the world happen because you caused them to happen and they can happen off-screen. So, there are things happening off-screen. The world isn't just what you see on your screen. There are events that happen and things that will, because of the choices you've made, things will happen elsewhere. Those are real, those are systemic. Our systems are running in the background the whole time. There are incredibly deep systems. Some of them don't make sense for this game, but yeah, we think about it and we've talked about it.

Last edited by SerraSerra; 06/07/22 01:38 PM.