Thank you for the synopsis, Niara. I agree with most of that (although I do liek Alfiras song - in the original version, not the metal one). And I'm glad, I'm not the onyl one to notice, how they just ignored the only female in the panel - this made me uncomfortable too.
I'm sad about the rections, although, I'm not surprised anymore. I do hope, there will be a rework ... maybe.

And you answered a question I had in teh other PfH thread, about what you think about the gnomes. I agree, that they look betetr than the halflings and hope, that halflings will get a bit of rework.

And as for the bard class: it's my favorite class and a lot of fun. I don't get, why people think, bard is a joke class. My bard in our D&D campaign is one of the most useful characters.

Last edited by fylimar; 08/07/22 12:41 PM.

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