Originally Posted by robertthebard
Originally Posted by Zerubbabel
I like the chain system.

I don't have a strong opinion either way, but I do have to laugh at "use the old BG system" thing, because all that really changes is where we click and drag. If you wanted to move characters individually, you still had to issue a group wide hold command to do it, which is essentially unchaining them...

Except the bg1 2 characters stay where we leave them, have controlable portaits, with out clumsily trying to disconnect them from each other every time you need to micro them

Bg1 party system is superior to the DoS one in most ways
6 slots is better then 4
Multiple npcs for lots of classes, (and before you say ha early access) - I will be very shocked if we have more then 1 joiniable npc of each class type (if that)
Bg had lots of the same class with diffrent personalitys so you could actually role play and shape the personality of your party, and with it your play style

And finally why 6 is better then 4 imo

In a party you probably want a tank, healer, Charisma class, spell chucker, a theif,(locks traps)

So to cover the most roles you will probably have to play a Paladin to cover tank healer Charisma

Bard again to charisma healer theif

Or sorc to charisma caster

Druid, tank healer

That leaves you 2 classes to cover if your paladin of bard, or 3 if you are sorc, or druid

So if you are paladin, you need astarian, in bg2 you would use a good theif like imoen.
You need gale to cast spells
a bard may support the group better then astarian (ill assume we will get an npc)
Bad could be better role play wise and extra you may need the extra healing with the paladin

1 class left for whatever is needed (probably and exta mele like the barbarian, since a paladin and lazel would not get on imo.

Thinking about this makes me feel how restrictive party classes vs npc personality is.

I realise that having 6 party members does not effect current npc personalitys, but it does get rid of the need to have each class cover 2-3 rolls just to be a good adventuing party, and this will allow for us to pick followers based more on personality then a role we cant fill otherwise

This is why i said larian need to use the old bg games as inspiration instead of DOS, because bg1 and 2 just do party systems better

Last edited by Xzoviac; 10/07/22 08:54 AM.