YOU USE A MOUSE? THEN Toilet chain is shit. 100%. Watching youtubers playing the game, nearly everyone struggles...but usually bite their tongue, because hey, its Larian! They know what their doing.
You got used to Larian shit chain now it smells great!

Still shit though.
30 years of RPG gaming up to today proves it. Very convincingly. 40+ years of PC gaming, we still use a mouse. There are basic stuff that stays basic, and top down character selection via mouse drag and pin point placement is one of them. For operating systems, MacOs does it. Windows does it. Linux does it still today. Its easy. Its accurate. Its fast.

The most ironic thing little birds tell me that the in-house version of BG3 that Larian developers use HAS that regular selection system, and not this chain trash. Its so much easier to work with! lol.

Now if you use controllers...that's an entire different matter. Might actually be alright??? Apart form Japanese stuff, I don't play tactical cRPGs with controller so...

Last edited by mr_planescapist; 10/07/22 10:13 AM.