PERSONALLY, I do think that Gale looks worse in Patch 8. I DO know that people seems to like this new version.
But me? Just... no. For me the EA 1.0 version was the best and perfectly suited his voice.
The biggest issue for me is his beard and jaw. I get that they wanted to give him masculine look, but he started to look like Ifan or Anders 2.0. I sincerely hope that it's not the final version of his face.
The earring with Mystra's sign makes sense, though it gives him rogue/pirate vibe. Not big fan of it, but ok.
Spoiler tattoo is funny part. Maybe in next patch we'll see this mark on his forehead, so everybody know that he has a bomb inside. Does it need to be on display? Or Larian will change his starting outfit?
Overall, he looks very flashy and roguish, while I imagine him as a neat and refined character that doesn't need to stand out that much.