Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by robertthebard
It's odd, then, that I first played DOS 2 on my console, and had no issues with party control, beyond pathfinding, which, given your history in this thread, you'll try to claim wasn't an issue in any of your "pet games".

Even when I got it on PC, I found that using a controller, and kicking back in my recliner was a perfectly viable way to play.
That's cool for you, I guess.
Not that I agree a single bit, since I don't enjoy playing either DOS game with a controller a single bit, but hey, it was YOUR playthrough.

Still, nothing to do with what I said. Which is that the current limitations and shortcomings of the chain system on M&KB are NOT tied to its attempt to be controller friendly.
Quick reminder that DOS 1 was a PC exclusive without controller support for more than a full year before getting a console port AND a controller-friendly UI. And it already had all the problems of the chain system we are highlighting in the past two years.

I've been KB/M gaming since my computer had a cassette tape for storage and learning to code in Basic was a thing.
Same. An Amstrad CPC 464 was the first one I owned (but not the first one I used). Is this supposed to be a contest of credentials?

Yet, I don't have any issues adapting to a controller whether on my console(s), since I can go all the way back to Pong on an Atari, or on my PC.
Ok? I even go as far as to PREFER using a controller with certain specific games or genres. So what?
Party-based CRPGs do not fit in that type of scenario, though.

Assuming we get controller support here, I can see me using it when I want to sit in my recliner and game, instead of sitting at my desk.
...Ok? Still not sure why I should care.
And yes, I'd be ready to bet we WILL get controller support.

I guess the difference here is that I've actually played some of these games with a controller, and know how it works, as opposed to trying to preach the KB/M rhetoric?
I guess the issue is that you once again failed to keep your focus on the matter at hand.
We weren't talking the merits of having controller support. The discussion has always been about how the chain system is a poor solution when playing with mouse and keyboard.
Especially compared to OTHER M&KB-centric controls schemes broadly used in the entire genre.

Here's the beauty of the situation, you don't have to agree. It would be nice to not spout nonsense about something with which you have no experience, however. A good example is your claim that Larian would be roasted on console-centric forums for the control scheme in DOS 2. Unless, of course, you can provide some links? I've already demonstrated how "party based CRPGs don't fit into that category" is a fallacy, by demonstrating that I have played party based CRPGs with a controller.

Then there's this???