Originally Posted by robertthebard
Here's the beauty of the situation, you don't have to agree.
What "agreeing" has to do with it?

It would be nice to not spout nonsense about something with which you have no experience, however.
A good example is your claim that Larian would be roasted on console-centric forums for the control scheme in DOS 2. Unless, of course, you can provide some links?
How do you fail SO CONSISTENTLY at reading comprehension?
I said Larian would be roasted if the DOS 2 control system on console would involved clicking and dragging portraits around. Which DOES NOT.

I've already demonstrated how "party based CRPGs don't fit into that category" is a fallacy
What "fallacy" are you even talking about? I was speaking about my specific preference there. How can I be "wrong" about my preference?
I said that there are games I even prefer to play on a controller, but CRPGs are not among them.

I don't care if you are happy with playing a party-based CRPG with a controller, I'm not.

...Ok? So what?
And it's terrible on console, incidentally, so not sure what's your point.

Last edited by Tuco; 10/07/22 02:45 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN