Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by robertthebard
This is exactly my point. Was Dragon Age Origins crap on XBox? Maybe you played it on Playstation? Maybe you never touched it on either, but "it's on console, and it's party based, so it's bad"?
I played it on PC, which is WIDELY recognized to be the best version of the game by a landslide? And the UI (not to mention the possibility to use the tactical view) is a big part of why.
Still not sure why this is relevant.

Why are you even rambling on and on about the merits of playing CRPGs on consoles? At WHAT POINT did I even state that people should not enjoy these games there? Did you once again lose the thread of the conversation?

I started talking about how the failures of the chain system are NOT tied to its attempt to cater to console players and as an answer you started going on and on for several posts about how you enjoy playing these games on console.
Ok? So fucking what? WHY IS THIS RELEVANT to begin with?

And apparently now you are even demanding to have my approval about it, which you won't get because I DO NOT enjoy playing party based CRPGs on controllers, PERIOD.

But more importantly, when did you get the impression that I wanted to argue the merits or demerits of playing these games on consoles?
Because I can promise you I didn't.

The fallacy is that these games can't work with a controller.
This is your stated opinion,
I never claimed anything of that sort.
I challenge you to find me the quote where I stated it.

So you can choose to ignore it, like you just did with the "what's agree got to do with it"? Every time I've listed off some games that I've played with a controller, or that someone else has listed off other games, your response is "well, that's crap anyway", even going so far as to list off NWN 2, right? No, I'm starting to feel like I'm taking the bait a little too hard and will be hearing from someone official soon. Anyone that's curious can read through our exchange, at least in posts that I've made, to see what I'm responding to. I provide the full context for just that reason.