I have suggested this a few times, but I'm doing it again. Please make a shared inventory in camp with everyone. Not just the people currently in your party, please include everyone that you could bring along with you, so it becomes easier to share loot. I keep finding cool stuff that I want to give to specific people, often I find a lot of stuff because I rest rarely. And then I have to go through the motions of kicking someone, inviting someone else, give them some new gear, then kicking them, just to invite someone else and give them something else. And every time I have to hear their kick dialogue. If I have to hear Gale question the logic of my decisions one more time, I might just start avoiding the place I'm supposed to meet him entirely. It's very tedious game-play, and it promotes using the same team members all the time and just ignoring the others, which is kinda too bad, because then you miss a lot of their cool story. You might never run into the Goblin Wyll knows in the Blighted Village, or see Gale's death flute sequence, because you're a caster and have focused on the healing and martial classes for your regular party.