To get back to a less divisive topic - character customization UI needs change severely now that there are more options. Packing them all into a single panel with a very anemic scrollbar makes for a miserable experience. Since the main game UI got revamped, I highly doubt they won't touch the CC one as well - perhaps once there are more options?

And speaking of options - guessing here, but it's in the realistic territory - I assume we're getting body tattoos (Gale's an example, Shadowheart is supposed to have one also), gith facial pattern options, and perhaps separate eye customization (Wyll) in the future at least. Less of a given are scars and the like, although there are NPCs that have them both on the face and the body. As for the bodies - correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't it be simply more practical and sensical to actually implement shape customization instead of sculpting a bunch of separate body types that would have to be there for every differently-built race so that it's fair? It seems like a more practical solution that would universally apply, although given how most of the existing stuff is picked from a list, it may not be where things are going in the end (given the existing approach to faces). That (picking from the list) brings us back to the UI issue, actually, because going through 66 hairstyles with a back&forth selector is kind of a UX torture.