1. The patch bugs are pretty bad. Hoping it all gets fixed soon.

2. The lighting is too bright now.

3. I wish we had gotten level 5 or a few more outfits.

4. Other than the above few things, I think the patch is awesome.

The bard's not my favorite class, but I can see the amount of work that's gone into it. I'm genuinely impressed with so much of what they've done.

I love the look of the spellbook area now.

The way the various races move differently is super interesting, in my opinion. Personally, I think the male elves look a little too effeminate while standing still and running, but I'm still blown away by the work, and they look amazing in combat.

Some of the NPCs are looking incredible.

Yeah, the instruments are probably too big, and the buried chests are way too big, but there's so much to love in the game otherwise.

Just my opinion, of course.