Originally Posted by Zarna
I would think that comfort and not wasting spells or potions on probable infections would be more important for adventurers, rather than looking "sexy" or whatever a butt hanging out is supposed to be considered. Prestidigitation does not exist in game and that wouldn't help with comfort anyway.

Less uncomfortable string in the crack and more butt cover for normal underwear please! The top is ok looking I guess but I would prefer it to look like a normal bra. Save the current sort of thing for sex scenes or camp.

Or just give us starting options in character creation or lootable underwear types.
I mean, in the olden days an attire (or, rather, a lack thereof) like this was basically the go-to for female spellcasters (plus some footwear), so at least (for people bothered by that kinda thing) robes and such now provide proper coverage. The relatively recent online Neverwinter revamp had also covered most cleavages its armors had, last I checked. To be fair, the female martial characters basically wore full-plate corsets, which looked really stupid. One does start to somewhat miss the stupid these days, though.