Joined: Oct 2020
The only difference here is that if you dont in first case, you can potentialy die ... But if you do, what will you do? My guess is reload ... Ah yes you'll reload if you die so its the same LMAO. Well ... no ... that is difference, as i admited ... thats why i started that sentence using that word ... See? Irs right there. O_o Even tho its provided by random encounters rather than resting limitation we were talking about here ... This is absolutely ridiculous. Agreed ... Quoting something without acnowledging it ... absolutely indeed Yeah thats not the first time ... quite certainly not even second or third ... But i didnt count it futher so let me just say im quite familiar by now. considering how toxic you are on most thread. The feeling is mutual believe me, ESPECIALY with statements like this one.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2021
You know... I take it back. Icewind Dale's rest mechanics are still better. Why? As annoying as it is, because it's annoying to run all the way back to Kuldahar, I do find myself risking that sleep in the dungeon just because it's annoying going all the way back.
No Fast Travel = discouraged from resting in the dungeon = encouraged to manage my resources better so I don't rest as often.
So, random encounters in the dungeon + regenerated enemies if you return after a rest + no fast travel and therefore annoyance does limit spamming rest.
Thus, it is at least SOME form of mechanics which is better than none. I don't enjoy it, mind you, as it is annoying and boring, but at least it's something.
I believe Larian can do better. They can do something better than these 20+ year old games and something better than nothing.
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Joined: Aug 2021
I believe Larian can do better. They can do something better than these 20+ year old games and something better than nothing. It’s been convincingly pointed out that EA has brought incremental changes but nothing radical. (Which must hurt Larian to hear because the minicamp system took a ton of work.) What if nothing changed about the resting system except the supplies were balanced on a knife’s edge? Would that satisfy your wish for something better? Also, what if they were only balanced on higher difficulty settings but the normal difficulty was unchanged from EA?
Joined: Feb 2021
Disappointment. That's what would happen. Would I still love the game? Yes. Would I love it as much? No. Do I matter much to Larian? I expect probably not, but you never know. I'd like to think my voice matters.
Look. All I want is meaningful gameplay on normal difficulty where both long and short rests have purpose - where all the mechanics have specific purpose. They're not just token mechanics without meaning.
Right now, short rest is nothing but a faster, less potent long rest and long rest is promoted while short rest is limited to 2 per day. It's pointless. Spell slots and limits per day should be limits per combat because you can long rest after each fight. It totally throws off the D&D experience, and they are boasting that BG3 will be the definitive D&D experience.
Joined: Oct 2020
Spell slots and limits per day should be limits per combat because you can long rest after each fight. And there is no way to prevent this without potentialy ruining the game for others ... Danger zones? You just walk back and rest ... Random encounters? You just walk back and rest ... Timed events? You just frustrated people who will be unable to make all planned fights within single day, since all those quests are fail for them. Respawn? You just created infinite loop for the same people. It sucks ... But i can see why Larian rather live with that their mechanics are "gamy" whatever that mean ... that with that they make the game unplayable for part of their playerbase. :-/
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2021
Spell slots and limits per day should be limits per combat because you can long rest after each fight. And there is no way to prevent this without potentialy ruining the game for others ... Danger zones? You just walk back and rest ... Random encounters? You just walk back and rest ... Timed events? You just frustrated people who will be unable to make all planned fights within single day, since all those quests are fail for them. Respawn? You just created infinite loop for the same people. It sucks ... But i can see why Larian rather live with that their mechanics are "gamy" whatever that mean ... that with that they make the game unplayable for part of their playerbase. :-/ You're not wrong. There will ALWAYS be people who hate whatever they do. But leaving it as is also potentially ruins the game for others. So, of course, Larian must implement whatever will make the majority happy so they maximize on profit. That's not in question. Regardless, since we don't know what that really is, we must still offer suggestions to help improve. And bottom line, if you want the game to be more D&D: You build encounters so that LR isn't needed to continue. Descent into Avernus. Cult of the Dead Three. Challenging to complete in a single go through, but it can be done with a few SRs, and help from NPCs makes it easier. Encounters are designed so that the party can get to the end without LR. But bad RNG? The DM helps them via NPCs or giving them more potions and items, etc. But BG3 has no DM. Well. True. But computers are smart and can assess character strength. "If Current Party HP is less than X%, have enemies you just killed drop X number of potions." This kind of thing would encourage SR and discourage LR in BG3 especially if you tell the players that "you could turn into a mind flayer at any second.". And if they do LR spam, you hit them with a strange dream - a Dream Lover dream. Or, you have something happen at the grove to let the players know, "Oh dang. Time is a thing. I can't just willy nilly rest. I need to be smart about this." So, 2 key ingredients: 1. Encounters that don't require or encourage full rest in between on a frequent basis - like the Underdark in BG3. 2. Consequences if players LR too much - minor at first to give plenty of warnings and then more harsh if it continues. Consequences that make sense.
Last edited by GM4Him; 01/06/22 09:24 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Solasta dit it great when it comes to random encounters -> There were there but would still leave you folllow through long rest. So you have ressource management in the campaign since you walk from campfire to campfire and random encounters where you can spam your spells.
I didn't read the entirety of what you guys were saying here i just " rushed through" kinda so just my 2 cents.
Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.
Joined: Feb 2021
Ok. Again, the idea I'm trying to get Larian to do is promote SRs and discourage LRs. It is NOT to limit either. Why? SRs fit more with the story. Taking an hour rest here and there to promote a longer adventure day fits with the various story elements - like the tadpole in your head, the ritual in the Grove, killing the goblin leaders and getting Lae'zel to the Gith patrol - not to mention that it really doesn't make sense to LR after Ethel takes Mayrina to her lair, etc.
So. There needs to be greater benefits to SR so people will want to SR more in between fights.
The suggestion:
1. Unlimit SR so it isn't 2 per day. This is absolutely key. 2. SR healing is managed at the Character level so each character gets a number of SRs equal to their character level per day. This allows adventures to continue as you can switch out party members when others have used up their uses. So, the SR button initiates SR for the party, a menu pops up showing all the SRs each character has remaining, and you click on each member you want to use a rest. Characters do not have to spend a use every time the party does an SR. 3. Each SR used restores X number of HP and certain class special abilities - like Action Surge and spell slots. 4. Arcane Recovery is auto-used during SR if the wizard uses an SR use, recovering X number of spell slots each time. 5. No food cost for SR. 6. Party members resist long rest, suggesting that you don't LR if they still have SRs to use. This is key. Party members don't feel tired and don't want to stop adventuring until they've used up their SRs. The point is that the game is promoting SR and discouraging LR. It's not stopping you, but your companions disapprove. This would be like the Shadowheart dialogue, "I'm not sure this is such a good idea.". However, party members would all participate. Those who have spent all SRs approve. Those who have not disapprove of taking an LR. Then they give you the final choice. Creates party cohesion. Dialogues, however, can be skipped so those who don't like this can easily ignore it. 7. Dialogues during SRs and LRs if the player wants to trigger them. This is done via symbol over character's head when SRing. An indicator appears even right there on the road saying they have something to discuss. You can ignore it and complete the SR or trigger it. Convo happens right there. Astarion mirror dialogue? Right there where you triggered SR. You're resting, just like at camp at night. Still makes perfect sense. 8. LR is encouraged when companions do use up all their SRs and participate in a fight after their last use. THEN they suggest that you switch them out or call it a day. They're done. Let someone else take over. This is meant to kinda train players when it is more appropriate to LR.
Last edited by GM4Him; 03/07/22 03:09 AM.
Joined: Feb 2021
Here's what this suggestion would look like: Crash on beach. Just the MC. Level 1 so only 1 SR. Meet Shadowheart. She also has 1 SR. Fight intellect devourers. Shadowheart doesn't need healing, but MC does. Both go up a level so now they both have 2 SRs each.
Player triggers LR. Dialogue initiated. Shadowheart says, "I'm not sure this is such a good idea." You discuss why with her and she says you need to find a healer. You could turn into a monster at any moment. Taking the rest of the day off so soon is risky at best. As an alternative, you could just do a shorter rest. It would only be like an hour and the two of you could continue. However, at the end of her dialogue, she gives you the final choice. You can either confirm the LR or just take an SR. If you LR, the game lets you without penalty. However, by doing this, the game has let the player know that they are really going against the grain.
But let's say you SR instead, thus following Shadowheart's advice. MC uses one of her 2 SRs to heal 7 HP. MC is now full health. Also, let's say MC is a warlock. All spell slots restored. The adventure continues. Shadowheart still has 2 SRs, and the MC has 1.
Meet Astarion. Fight fishermen to the death. Astarion needs healing. You LR. Another dialogue is triggered automatically. Now, the MC, Astarion and Shadowheart are standing together. Astarion says, "I'm not really done for the day, you know. I've still got plenty in me. Perhaps we should only do a short rest and keep going." Shadowheart replies, "Agreed." But, once again, the final choice is yours. You can LR and there is no penalty, but the game is once again suggesting an SR.
So, you SR and use 1 SR of Astarion's. He heals 7 HP. The adventuring day continues. You run into Gale. He also has 2 SRs of his own because he's level 2. You fight Gimblebock and his minions. Gale has 1 HP left and Astarion took some serious hits too. Time to rest. You trigger an LR. Dialogue triggers. Gale says, "I know I don't exactly look the best, but I think a short rest would suffice." Astarion and Shadowheart both agree because they still have SRs to spend. You, again, could LR, but the game is suggesting that you don't.
You SR and use Astarion's final SR. You also use 1 of Gale's. He heals 5 HP, or something like that because wizards don't heal as much. He also expended all his spell slots, and with auto-Arcane Recovery, he regains 1 spell slot back (half his level or something of that nature). Suddenly, an indicator pops up over Gale's head. He has a dialogue you could trigger. You can either ignore it or click on him and trigger it while you are doing an SR. You trigger it, and Gale gives you his Mirror Image dialogue.
Adventuring day continues. You fight Mari and Barton. Astarion now tells you, "I'm spent. Perhaps we could call it a day." Why? Because Astarion has used up all of his SRs. He is done. You trigger an LR because Astarion suggested one. Dialogue is triggered. Gale, Astarion, Shadowheart and MC are now gathered to discuss whether you should LR or not. Astarion says, "I'm beat. Let's call it a day and get some serious rest." Gale says, "I'm still good to keep going, if you'd like." Shadowheart says, "I agree. I can keep going." You get the final say.
You choose SR, listening to Gale and Shadowheart. You use your last SR for your MC, Gale's last SR and 1 of Shadowheart's. You then heal Astarion with potions. Gale gets Arcane Recovery, regaining 1 spell slot (or however many). Your warlock regains all spell slots. Shadowheart regains channel divinity. Gale has another indicator over his head. He has another dialogue you could trigger. You do. It's his "Go to Hell," dialogue.
The adventuring day continues. You fight the scribes. Your party is beaten up pretty badly. You trigger an LR because Astarion, Gale and your MC have no more SRs. Dialogue is triggered. Gale says, "I'm spent. Let's call it a day." Astarion says, "Agreed." Shadowheart says, "I could still keep going if you'd like." You decide. This time, you decide to finally LR because 2 out of 3 of your companions are saying, "Let's long rest." Besides, Gale just told you in two different dialogues that you aren't changing like you normally would from ceremorphosis. Maybe, just maybe, it's okay to. And so, you long rest and recover all your stats and abilities. Finally - which is something I hadn't included in the above suggestion - LRs don't cost food. You can simply LR if you want without any penalties or limits. No need to worry about managing food at all. Nothing has prevented you from long resting the whole time. It was simply discouraged by your companions because you still had SRs to use.
Last edited by GM4Him; 03/07/22 05:42 AM.
Joined: Feb 2021
But what do we use food for then? Food can be used for some sort of bonus. I liked the idea of Combat Inspiration. During Long and Short Rests, players can spend Camping Supplies to gain special Inspiration points (maximum of 4) that can be used only during Combat. Each Combat Inspiration provides advantage on 1 attack roll or saving throw. So, if your character is dying, use a Combat Inspiration to gain advantage that round on the Death Save. Need to hit that enemy with high AC? Use a Combat Inspiration to gain advantage. Or, maybe Astarion needs to get that Sneak Attack on an enemy. Use Combat Inspiration to grant him Sneak Attack even though he might not normally get it.
Each Combat Inspiration would be worth 10 camping supplies during a Long Rest and 5 camping supplies during a Short Rest. Thus, once again, a Short Rest is promoted because it is cheaper to buy a Combat Inspiration. You can only buy a Combat Inspiration during a Short Rest if a character spends an SR - 1 Combat Inspiration per SR used. So, if you spend 1 SR for your MC and 1 for Shadowheart, you can spend 10 camping supplies for 2 Combat Inspirations.
This would make food important but it wouldn't necessarily make it essential to the survival of your party. It could provide assistance for your party for combat, thus making it still valuable; something you want to collect.
I also still like the idea of food spoiling and preservation via the Survival skill as well. Yes, it's more complicated, but it gives meaning and purpose to Survival skill and it is more realistic. The moment you enter a certain area, the food in that area starts to spoil. Some food, like carrots, apples, etc. stay good for many long rests. Other foods, like pig heads, racks of ribs, etc. go bad after 1 LR. So, although they are high in value for camping supplies, they don't stay good for long. Best use your Survival skill to preserve such items.
But, to avoid lots of clicks and stuff, the game auto-preserves for you. Every time you long rest, the character with the highest Survival skill rolls to see how much perishable camping supplies they can preserve. A roll of 1-4 means no food is preserved. 5-9 means 10 camping supplies are preserved. 10-14 means 20. 15-19 means 40. 20-24 means 60. 25-29 means 80, and 30+ means 100. Items that perish that day are preserved first automatically. All preserved food becomes a single camping supply pack worth the amount you preserved.
This helps manage your food items automatically, because it turns them automatically into camp supply packs, and any food that spoils is automatically tossed so you don't have to. Since food isn't essential, it doesn't have to be a big chore for players. The system manages most of it without you, turning it into packs you can more easily store at camp or take with you without a lot of back and forth clicks. The PCs simply craft the packs during LRs without you even having to do a thing. All you have to decide is whether you want to take it with you or not.
And why would you want to take any with you? To spend on Combat Inspiration during Short Rests. Remember, it's cheaper during a Short Rest to buy more Combat Inspirations, so you will likely want to bring at least one pack with you to buy more Combat Inspirations during your rests.
Joined: Oct 2020
SRs fit more with the story. More like your own interpretation of the story ... For example: Shadowheart says, "I'm not sure this is such a good idea." You discuss why with her and she says you need to find a healer. You could turn into a monster at any moment. Taking the rest of the day off so soon is risky at best. This red part never happened ... Yes, Shadow is complaining about the fact that you are going to rest ... but she dont talk about "resting so soon" ... since you are in your camp at evening, no matter if you rest from the beach, from the crypt, or from the gates to the grove, or you skip whole grove and continue to blighted willage and rest there ... Its still your first evening ... amount of time from falling to your first rest is still the same, no matter where you decide to rest first. This is once again just your inability or unwillingness to accept any abstraction.  As an alternative, you could just do a shorter rest. It would only be like an hour and the two of you could continue. However, at the end of her dialogue, she gives you the final choice. You can either confirm the LR or just take an SR. And if you decide to SR what exactly happened? You rewind time back to that first day, or shorten night so it lasts only for "an hour or two"? O_o If you LR, the game lets you without penalty. However, by doing this, the game has let the player know that they are really going against the grain. "The game has let the player know that they are really going against the grain ..." And since then, when they are clear about this matter ... the game starts to stuff player with informations from every side of the world comforting them that there is no rush, and they have all the time they need. Kinda odd isnt it? O_o But let's say you SR instead, thus following Shadowheart's advice. MC uses one of her 2 SRs to heal 7 HP. MC is now full health. Also, let's say MC is a warlock. All spell slots restored. The adventure continues. Shadowheart still has 2 SRs, and the MC has 1. What did Shadowheard do during that time MC was resting? Bcs ... and feel free to corect me anyone ... unless one character will sit there and rest, and the others will continue the adventure without him ... it seems to me like once one member of the party rests, others do aswell.  So ... logicaly, they all should spend their SR, even if that would be not entirely needed for each.  Meet Astarion. Fight fishermen to the death. Astarion needs healing. You LR. Another dialogue is triggered automatically. Now, the MC, Astarion and Shadowheart are standing together. Astarion says, "I'm not really done for the day, you know. I've still got plenty in me. Perhaps we should only do a short rest and keep going." Shadowheart replies, "Agreed." I wonder where did you get this expression. O_o Astarion ... our drama queen ... a Noble, wich usualy means person who is MOST CERTAINY NOT used to hard work ... person who in curent game keeps barking "im exhausted, i dont understand how people do this whole day" ... out of the blue sudently wants to push to his limits as much as possible? O_o Is there anything you are willing to keep as it is?  Or whole game and all characters need to change, in order so you can fulfill your fantasy? :-/ Dialogue triggers. Gale says, "I know I don't exactly look the best, but I think a short rest would suffice." Yet another character change!  Marvelous! The person who knows in details how ceremorphosis is working, and is personaly explaining you a bit later that there is something odd going on with you, since you should have started show symptoms allready ... will have to forget this teachings for now, just so you can have your "we want Short Rest" conversation.  This is getting ridiculous.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Feb 2021
Ok. Gonna try to respond briefly. "More like your own interpretation of the story ..." Many characters say especially in the beginning that you are on borrowed time. That's why I said SR fits more with the story. If you long rest too quickly, SH even tells you she doesn't think it is a good idea. So, story supports ending day infrequently. "This is once again just your inability or unwillingness to accept any abstraction." I was suggesting a slight change in dialogue to support the overall suggestion. The text in red is meant to try to point players towards SR by explaining that LR is actually taking the rest of the day off. "And if you decide to SR what exactly happened? You rewind time back to that first day, or shorten night so it lasts only for "an hour or two"? O_o" I think you misunderstood something. My suggestion is that when you hit LR, the dialogue occurs right then. Time doesn't progress to night until you agree to LR. It stays day. So, if you choose SR, you continue the adventure that day. If you LR, THEN it becomes night at camp. "And since then, when they are clear about this matter ... the game starts to stuff player with informations from every side of the world comforting them that there is no rush, and they have all the time they need." Though they tell you there's no immediate rush, you could still turn at ANY moment. Also, the other stuff - ritual could complete at any time, goblins might attack, Mayrina could die... "What did Shadowheard do during that time MC was resting?" Short rest healing is about spending an hour eating, mending wounds, fixing armor, etc. Those who don't use SR would relax, keep watch, and kill time. This is common in D&D. In 5e, if you don't use Hit Dice, this is what is essentially happening. The last two things you mentioned... Just examples. I wasn't trying to make it word for word dictation. So, I agree. Those two might not care and say nothing, or they might say it differently. That's not the point. I wanted to provide an example of how more than 1 companion might react to player wanting to LR.
Last edited by GM4Him; 03/07/22 12:41 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
OK. I've been trying really hard to create a mechanic that is simple and yet provides value for both long and short rest, Survival skill, etc. This mechanic also encourages short rest and discourages long rest. I developed this idea while attempting to write up my BG3 Unofficial EA D&D Tabletop Campaign: Chapter 1. Please understand, it is a long explanation because I needed to actually explain all the details for it. However, the actual implementation of it (what the player in the video game would experience) would not be so complicated (well, at least, I don't think so). So, as you read this, consider what the player would actually experience. (Also, I would probably not count NPCs and animal companions towards Camping Supplies costs in the video game as I did in the Tabletop, if they were to adapt this concept for the video game. I'd probably just include the primary party members). What the player would experience: Party picks up food item. Food item is instantly converted to Camping Supplies and applied to the party's total Camping Supplies Score. No item management. No inventory clutter. No send to camp. The items vanish because they were converted to the Camping Supplies Score total. Player checks the log (if they want) and sees that the character with the highest Survival skill automatically rolled with advantage (assuming the character was assisted). The roll determined how many Camping Supplies were converted from the item into the party total based on the food item found. (Details on how this works are below.) Party takes a short rest and spends 5 camping supplies per character in the adventuring party (so most often it will be 20 camping supplies because you'll probably be traveling with a party of 4). Player clicks a button to initiate the short rest. A menu pops up. All the characters are, let's say, level 4. There are 4 Hit Dice under each character's portrait. Click on a dice and it rolls to see how much HP is restored to that character (just like 5e rules and just like Solasta). Instant dice rolls, mind you, and instantly applied. No dramatic animations needed here. Fast clicks - 1... 2... 3... 4. You can use as many Hit Dice as you want, but once they're gone, you have none for later until you long rest (again, just like 5e; you get half your Hit Dice back when you long rest). Quick and simple. Warlock spell slots restored, as are certain class special abilities, and the Wizard can ONLY use Arcane Recovery from this window. It will no longer be some sort of skill on the hotbar that he/she can use whenever. However, it's just a few fast button clicks. Click Arcane Recovery, choose which spell slot level you want to restore (again, Solasta did this well, so something similar). Close menu. All party members are cleaned up - no filth or grime. They rested and mended wounds, cleaned themselves, etc. As for long rest, the player clicks the long rest button. Party goes to camp. Party pays 20 camping supplies per character at camp (companion characters only. Again, this is different from the Tabletop details I've listed below). So MCs and origin characters - not Halsin, Withers, Volo... If you can't afford that, partial rest for 10 camping supplies per character at camp. Partial rest means full spell slots restored and special abilities, but not necessarily full HP and NO Hit Dice restored. This is the true drawback of a partial long rest. Basically, it simulates that the party didn't rest as well as normal and weren't as well nourished/refreshed. So, full rest for MC and 5 origin character would be 120 camping supplies. partial rest would be 60 camping supplies. To add to the strategy of this, add Purify Food and Drink to maximize on the amount of camping supplies you get per food item. Also, casting Goodberry makes it so that as long as each character eats a berry, they don't contribute to the camping supply costs during rests. This could be managed via a tag called "Nourished" or something like that. This makes Goodberry a VERY useful spell in the game, but it comes at the price of having to spend a spell slot every day so you don't have to worry about camping supplies. You'd also need a ranger or druid to utilize this, adding value to those classes. Create Food and Water would act similarly for artificers, clerics and paladins, making it so you don't have to worry about camping supplies for anyone (everyone would get the "Nourished" tag), but again you're forced to expend a level 3 spell slot. Either way, it's just another way to strategically manage resting resources and add value to various mechanics. To add to this, vendors will supply rations (getting rid of Camping Supply Packs - or whatever - call them Camping Supply Packs if you want). 1 Ration = enough camping supplies for 1 character to basically long rest once and short rest 2 times (30 camping supplies). Again, converted instantly upon purchase so not taking up room in your inventory. However, rations at the vendor are limited, so you can't just buy up all their stock and expect to be perfectly fine. And finally, if none of this provides you with enough camping supplies and you really need to long rest, every time you do long rest, the character with the highest Survival makes a Survival check to hunt/gather (roll with advantage assuming someone is helping them). The higher they roll, the more camping supplies they gather to help meet the cost for a long rest. Guess it pays to have a character in the party with good Survival skill. Now, for the details (if you care): Camping Supplies (Optional Mechanic) Time to introduce the BG3 Tabletop Resting Mechanic. The PCs are in the middle of a wilderness that doesn’t necessarily have a plethora of food, nor do they have vendors to buy rations from (at least for now). Water is plentiful enough, but food is not. Therefore, food is a much more precious commodity in this campaign. It will be tracked via a Camping Supplies Score. One player can track it, or the DM can.
This mechanic is based on the Create Food and Water spell. With that spell, “you create 45 pounds of food and 30 gallons of water on the ground or in containers within range, enough to sustain up to 15 humanoids or 5 steeds for 24 hours. The food is bland but nourishing, and spoils if uneaten after 24 hours. The water is clean and doesn’t go bad.”
With this in mind, it can then be determined that a single humanoid will consume roughly 3 pounds of food and 2 gallons of water a day. Again, water does not spoil, and it can easily be refilled as long as the PCs have canteens (which is why canteens have now been provided).
So, to simplify, 1 pound of food is 10 Camping Supplies. This means that it is assumed that a character will consume approximately 30 Camping Supplies worth of food per day split between both long and short rests.
This being the case, if we assume the party will take an average of 2 short rests per day, and they can only long rest once a day, the amount of camping supplies required per rest is as follows:
Short Rest = 5 Camping Supplies per character in the party per Short Rest (NPCs and nonmagical animal companions included). This is ONLY those characters in the party when the short rest occurs. In other words, any characters left at camp do not cost the party anything. It is assumed they have enough time to take care of their own food needs.
Long Rest = 20 Camping Supplies per character at the party’s camp per Long Rest (NPCs and nonmagical animal companions included). This means EVERYONE at camp adds to the cost. Hey! Everyone’s gotta eat. Perhaps there is such a thing as having too many companions!
The idea is: if the party short rests 2 times per day, they would use 10 Camping Supplies/ 1 pound of food per character on short rests, and then 20 Camping Supplies/2 pounds of food per character on long rests. This is roughly 3 pounds of food per day per character. If you have a party of 4 and you have just added Shadowheart to the party, each short rest would then cost 25 Camping Supplies. If you long rest with the same party, that would cost 100 Camping Supplies.
Each food item will have a Survival DC and a Max Value in Camping Supplies. As soon as the PCs find a food item, the player with the highest Survival skill will roll against the DC of the food item. Another party member can help and provide advantage to the roll. If the PC succeeds, the party gains 5 Camping Supplies per point of success (minimum 5 or Max Value) up to the Max Value. Basically, the Max Value represents that a character is able to use/preserve every last bit of food from the item that they find. They don’t let any go to waste. However, if they fail entirely, it means that while they were attempting to preserve or prepare the food, they actually ruined it (burnt it, didn’t cook it right, added something bad to it, etc. Essentially, it is inedible once it is time to eat it.
Note: It is assumed that cooking, consuming and preserving food is done during periods of resting; long or short. However, to simplify things so players aren’t tracking all sorts of different food items and values, it is easier to have them convert it immediately into Camping Supplies. That way the game isn’t getting bogged down with meaningless item management. Once converted into Camping Supplies, the food doesn’t spoil. It is assumed the PCs are always consuming the food that will spoil soonest while continuing to preserve the food that lasts longer.
Let’s put the concept into practice. The PCs just found a Bucket of Fish. Have the PC with the highest Survival skill roll immediately with advantage (assuming at least one of the other party members will help them). If they roll a 1-9, the entire Bucket of Fish is ruined. It is wasted, burnt, inedible, etc. If they roll a 10 or 11, they only get 5 Camping Supplies from the entire bucket. It is mostly inedible by the time they are done with it. 12=10 Camping Supplies, 13=15, 14=20, 15=25, 16=30, 17=35, 18=40, 19=45, 20=50, 21=55, and 22 or more is full value of 60.
Let’s provide one more example just to be clear. The PCs find a carrot with a Max Value of 1 Camping Supplies and a DC of 5. If they somehow roll a 1-4, they don’t even get the 1 Camping Supplies for the carrot. It’s totally wasted, ruined, etc. If they roll a 5 or higher, they succeed in getting the full value of 1. They don’t get 5 Camping Supplies because the Max Value is only 1.
Now, add to this the Purify Food and Drink spell. To make this simple, if the PCs cast this spell on the first food item they find, go ahead and apply it to all food they find that day. This assumes that they reserved the spell slot and used it at the end of the day after they’d gathered all food. If they use Purify Food and Drink, it can be used to prevent all nonmagical food from being spoiled. In other words, any character who uses this spell once per day can preserve all Camping Supplies found that day (again, assuming that they waited to use the spell until the end of the day). Nothing is wasted or lost.
Example: If one of the party members wants to use their spell slot to cast Purify Food and Drink on the 1 Bucket of Fish, the party will gain 60 Camping Supplies automatically. No Survival check is necessary. Any other food they find that day will also provide the party with the full Camping Supplies value without any Survival check needing to be made.
Goodberry negates the Camping Supplies requirement for that day for each person who eats a Goodberry. So, if you cast the spell, you have 10 berries. If you have 6 party members, and each member eats a berry, you won’t need any Camping Supplies that day to either short or long rest. Period. No food required. Do this every day and you completely negate the food mechanic. PCs don’t even need to collect food.
The price of doing this, however, is that the party member has to waste a spell slot to cast Goodberry every day (plus you have to have a druid or ranger in the party to take advantage of this). With food being typically available in enough of an abundance that characters shouldn’t need to use this spell if they aren’t long resting like crazy, why waste a spell slot that could be used for combat?
Another spell that can be used to negate the need for Camping Supplies is Create Food and Water. This is a level 3 artificer, cleric or paladin spell. Casting it will supply the needs of up to 15 party members (including NPCs and nonmagical animal companions.) Keep in mind that both it and Goodberry are magical food spells, so excess food is wasted. It is NOT added to your Camping Supplies Score. Therefore, the spells only negate the need for Camping Supplies for party members for just that day. Unlike Purify Food and Drink, Create Food and Water can be cast at the end of the day just before long resting. You don’t have to cast it as soon as you find food items. In this way, this spell can be considered more of a failsafe in case food supplies begin to run out and the party is desperately needing a long rest.
To make sure the party is able to find and gather enough food to rest when needed, Survival checks can be made once per day when the party decides to finally take a long rest. (These checks are not available during short rests. Short rests do not allow enough time for party members to wander off and fish, hunt and gather food. They are only roughly one hour while long rests are usually more than eight hours long.) To hunt/gather, have the PC with the highest Survival skill roll against a DC of 10. For every point of success, they gather 5 Camping Supplies that day (minimum of 5 for a success). So, if the PC rolls 1-9, they gather no Camping Supplies. If they roll a 10-11, they collect 5 Camping Supplies. 12=10, 13=15, 14=20, 15=25, 16=30, 17=35, 18=40, 19=45, 20=50, 21=55, 22=60, 23=65, 24=70, 25=75, etc. Just another way having a good survivalist in the party can pay off.
Finally, if all else fails, there will be vendors eventually. These vendors don’t have a lot of food supplies, but if the party really needs it, you can have a vendor sell rations. Each ration is worth 30 Camping Supplies. These should be sold VERY sparingly. The point is to discourage long resting. The last thing you want is for players to buy up tons of rations so they never have to worry about it and can long rest between every battle.
And, just to REALLY make sure the PCs aren’t messed over by this Camping Supplies Mechanic, the party can take a partial long rest if they have at least half as many Camping Supplies as they need for a full long rest. In other words, if the party has 5 characters at camp, they would normally need 100 Camping Supplies to do a full long rest. However, they only have 50. They can do a partial long rest. The benefit is that they regain all spell slots and abilities at a much more reduced price. What makes it not as good as a full long rest is that they do not necessarily regain all of their HP. They also don’t regain their Hit Dice back.
To determine how many HP each character is healed via a partial long rest, roll all their Hit Dice as if they were using them on a single short rest. Whatever they roll, plus their Constitution bonus (applied to each die) is how many HP they are healed.
Example: Shadowheart has a max of 15 HP at level 2. She has 2d8 Hit Dice. She has 3 spell slots. During the day, she uses 1d8 Hit Dice during a short rest and all of her spell slots. She’s down to 5 HP. The party long rests, but they only have 50 Camping Supplies, and they need 100 for 4 players and Shadowheart. Shadowheart regains all 3 of her spell slots, but she does not get her 1d8 Hit Dice back. The next day, she will only have 1d8 Hit Dice to spend during short rests. That’s it. As for HP, she gains 2d8+2 (+1 is her Constitution bonus applied to each die) for taking a partial long rest. She rolls a 1 and a 3. So, her total HP restored is 6. She starts the next day with only 11 HP. It’s certainly not ideal, but it’s better than nothing, and a single healing potion could restore her the rest of the way. The biggest drawback is that she only has 1d8 Hit Dice that day for short rests.
Last edited by GM4Him; 12/07/22 05:40 PM.
Joined: May 2021
The original BG1, BG2, and expansions had random encounters when going to rest & at some other predetermined to/from travel points. They were usually balanced (depending on your chosen difficulty) fights. Also in some encounters you would meet NPC's, sometimes fellow adventures from The Forgotten Realms universe, or find something while looting, that could start a long side quest chain usually culminating in major battles (finding Bruener Battlehamer's Pink WarHammer was one I remember because I was only ever able to get it to trigger 1 or 2 times, and there was a super hard Demi Lich battle I remember as well). The side quests usually rewarded with major exp, loot, and usually a very hard battle with sometimes legendary loot . The encounters were random and/or sometimes tied to resting at camp or at certain inn's or at a home (like the Pocket Planer Sphere) while a certain level or level range, traveling between specific destinations, starting or finishing specific quests, or a combination of the above. I'm pretty sure in BG3 we will meet and possibly get as an NPC Minsc. He is a seemingly slow (low Int, decent Wis), or possibly insane, due to his almost extremophile like 'lust' wanting to uphold justice, goodness, and heroism", Human Ranger from Rashemi. Rashemen are basically natural born Berserkers (so he is basically a Berserker Ranger.) He is mentioned in a reward/wanted poster or maybe letter/note you can find at Waukesha Rest. He mentioned in BG3 as the "Beloved Ranger Statue holding a small hamster in his palm that was stolen/missing", I think there is a earlier date than 1492 on the letter but I can't remember. It was rumored in Forgotten Realms Lore Minsc & Boo were Petrified after BG2 before Decent into Avernus to either make the statue or by accident. Which is perfect timeline Match up it was around 1480 he was freed from stone, encased for about 100 years, he did some adventuring etc, then he went to Avernus on accident with Elturel 1492, BG3 takes place a few months after the return during the "Teeth' ling" exile. His ranger animal companion was Boo, a 'Miniature Giant Space Hamster.' In BG3 they are mentioned in the book "A Primer on Mythical Beasts", found behind the bear that Volo is talking to, as being mythological or cryptid beasts. In the book it mentions "well muscled human male as their steed of choice" (describes Minsc perfectly) and "rumour claim they have a taste for human eyes" (Again Minsc would randomly tell Boo "Go for the eyes Boo!")
Joined: May 2021
——I've got a feeling that something between your example and the current will be the final result, of course with tweeks, a lot of background mechanics, and passive rolls. As early access is all about testing: the software, for glitches, game mechanics, player feedback, bugs, incompatibilities, more player feedback, what is good vs bad, what is missing vs going overboard, more feedback, etc. BUT the one thing I've noticed people not really talking about along with specific forum threads like this is difficulty levels and/or customizable difficulty levels. ——I've got a feeling that our current Early Access difficulty is probably the easiest or 1 step above easiest probably of at least 5 pre-set difficulties, and will offer almost 100% fully customizable difficulty levels. There may even be a few questions as presented by voice in your head asking you like "My dear sweet thing, your mundane past is now a destiny for you to take control of. What do you see as the best path forward? 1) a simple stroll where everything goes according to my wishes (story oriented)... 2.) The same 'no pain no gain' (Balanced)... 3.) "More difficult so I can become the best I can be (Strategy Balanced)... 4.) Send me to the gates of hell and I will find a way to conquer all 9 of them (Hardest Core Rules)... etc". With 5-10 more to personalize unless you choose a pre-set or customize in profile or options. Everything is to easy! Sleight of hand, nerfed enemies (I mean serious how many of us have killed all Demons/Devil's + Mindflayer @ Lvl-1, supplies & resting, way to much "Named Gear & Loot", etc.
Joined: Aug 2017
Resting linked to difficulty levels. Certain areas which limit resting/ fast travel. Certain achievements linked to resting. Certain quests/ outcomes are time sensitive. Too many long rests = became a mindflayer (not for easy mode but otherwise possible).
Any and all could be considered but I still find it interesting we had difficulty levels in DOS2 EA but not BG3.
And I don't think EA will be "easy story mode" but closer to "standard" difficulty setting.
Joined: Oct 2020
Resting linked to difficulty levels. Why so many people insist on liking things to dificiulty? O_o Those things can easily exist as separate setting option, wich would provide the same AND much more variety. O_o
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Mar 2022
Resting linked to difficulty levels. Why so many people insist on liking things to dificiulty? O_o Those things can easily exist as separate setting option, wich would provide the same AND much more variety. O_o That was a pretty good thing Parhfinder did. You have a lot of control of gameplay mechanisms there, and then some templates which double as difficulty levels.
Joined: Oct 2020
I know, thats something im advocating for last two years. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2022
This is indeed a hot topic in BG3. People are looking forward to a more perfect mechanism based on the expectations of this game, but is there a need for improvement? There seems to be no better answer.
I offer my answers and suggestions: The original official approach was to not rest all the time, and the appearance of the characters would be messy, but due to some feedback, the ninth version has alleviated this effect.
The battle mechanism should be related to whether the length of the break is long or not. The official added a certain plot to this mechanism, which did lead to some different opinions.
My solution is to return to the combat mechanism and the reward mechanism. Build the fatigue system: 1. Every time you go through a battle, you will be given a point of fatigue (not just the appearance is dirty) 2. For those who are resting in the camp without participating in the battle, the fatigue value will not increase after the battle. Players are encouraged to use backup players to play. 3. A long rest restores 3 points, and a short rest restores 0.5 points; once the fatigue value reaches 5 points, some negative effects will be given.
4. Try to give examples of the types of negative effects, based on different levels of fatigue (fatigue values 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.) (Lv1) In the first round of the battle, our team must be in a delayed attack order. However, surprise attacks can eliminate this effect. (Lv2) Penalties are imposed on stealth checks in normal state. (Lv3) The character's field of vision and movement distance are penalized. (Lv4) Penalties are imposed on hit/evasion checks. (Lv5) HP will be reduced by 7% at the beginning and after the battle.
5. Based on D&D, I am designing a dice rolling system to balance it. The higher the Fatigue value, the more debuffs above can be triggered; however each triggering effect is subject to a Constitution check. There is no penalty for passing the check, and a penalty for failing the check. But the check penalty for a critical failure is doubled.
6. Based on rewards and punishments in parallel, the following are possible reward systems (according to different fatigue levels): (1) Additional monetary rewards (2) Experience gained from battles increases (3) Story props (magic cubes?), will give enchantment +1 to the equipment on the character (temporarily only once, replacing the equipment will cancel this effect, and at most one character can only have one equipment) (4) The intimacy between the characters participating in the battle will be increased due to the joint experience of hard battles (5) You can find hidden props by cleaning the battlefield, use the shovel to dig up the mysterious treasure chest. (Rewards for the battle-crazed who seek the toughest battles.)
Last edited by marriorqq; 23/12/22 05:28 AM.