So, this thread has responses that run from Sexual Predator 101 to, "but we have to be married, and can't enjoy it". The more I think about it, as I sit here deciding what would be "safe" to say, the more I realize that, in this particular instance, I'd be perfectly fine with "hey, let's have a one night stand. No strings attached, just use me like you own me" kind of thing. I know that will be shocking for some people, especially the "but you're only playing a female character so you can watch her butt pixels" crowd, but those kinds of things actually happen out here in the real world.

I'd still prefer clearly defined sexuality, but as for a deep emotional bond? In this instance, it wouldn't matter all that much. Save it for the late game, like most other games with romances do. I mean, there is one notable exception, Morrigan from Dragon Age Origins, you can have her sex scene the first night in camp. I've actually done it. I didn't know it was going to happen when I did it, it just flowed organically from the dialog we'd been having. What's even better is that the line that triggers the scene "It's cold in my tent all alone" can be met with "get an extra blanket"...