Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by Kendaric
In general though, I think there are way too many magic items already. I'm fine with scrolls and some potions being readily available, but other items should never be handed out like candy.

Well, there needs to be a variety. It would suck, for instance, if the only magic sword available was a long sword.

Having options means different builds have an opportunity to shine.

Within reason, sure.

Magic items should generally only be given as a reward for an accomplishment, like overcoming the hag (who would naturally have multiple magic items in her possession) or achieving certain quest goals (such as receiving the locket from Arabella's mother for rescuing Arabella from Kagha's judgement). That way items feel meaningful, even though they aren't particularly powerful.

That being said... I'm totally fine with having +1 weapons or armor of each type being available for sale, for instance. Just not everywhere and certainly not right from the start and definitely no higher than +1.

Last edited by Kendaric; 16/07/22 11:13 AM.