Last I played only our MC could be the "face" or you risked freezing the MC in some kind of dialog bug, but after that get fixed...

Bard as a "face" when the bard can give his inspiration to others to make them better than him at being "face".

Did L mess up and a D&D bard can inspire themself? Otherwise this class seems messed up, because you can ALWAYS buff someone else better than the bard can be buffed.

A dialog bard just seems broken as Wyll would always get better buffs. As far as I can tell the only thing that works with the games D&D implementation is an expertise rogue focused dex bard. Though I didn't do the math, I think buffing shadowheart with inspiration might still make her a better rogue.

Strength shield valor bard is more interesting than a cleric as the party TPK safety, but I'm more going to place this on the roleplay shelf as it doesn't do anything well.

A lore bard does come with crowd control and some TPK safety. Perhaps with some dex and the nuclear arrow shooter of the team.

Though so far the ranger is the only one that get so few buttons he has rooms for arrows in the UI, the current UI needs the number on on screen buttons to be raised by a ton.