Filtering it out would be fine ...
But however unbelievable it may sound ... sometimes npcs say interesting things and its not actualy bad idea to have them recorded somewhere, i case you didnt understand but really want to know what they said ...
That said, it obviously excludes "barks" where NPC keep repeating the same sentence of up to 5 words every up to 5 seconds ...
(Aka: Marina and her "dont do that" ... or Marina and her "help me please" ... or Tiefling trio and their "we have to stay and help" ... or tormented elf and his "make it stop, please" and bzillion others.)
Anyway ...
Personaly i would quite appreciate if "log" had two tabs ... one for combat, and one for conversations ...
Yes, i know that every conversation is loged in journal, but this way it would be much acessible and it could log also every out-world conversation that is there ...
I know i felt kinda dissapointed when i find out in older patch that my companions were talking and i had no clue what about since i just had my camera elsewhere, so i would not cast this loging into oblivion just bcs someone made a bad call about where it should store.