Originally Posted by Sozz
But better to have than not, I suppose.
I dunno ... seems weird, i just cant help the feeling that items should either be universal, or there should be something specific for everyone ...
Make special items (no matter how shitty) just for your own favourite class, and let others work with generic loot smells elitary. :-/

I played my last game with Momentum/Lighting bard ... and while it was kinda fun, i felt like my Momentum/Lightning Rogue. :-/

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
In exemple +1 bardic die or advantage when you inspire someone would have been a lot better for bards only items...
Agreed ...

Or make that hat to strenghten your Temp. HP spells ...
Like i dunno when you give Temp. HP to your aly, give them 1HP more per spell level used ... may seem useless, since 1 HP is nothing ... but Bard and his Heroism would trully benefit from this MUCH more than other classes.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown