Originally Posted by GM4Him
Yeah. I have to disagree. Here's why: No single D&D movie has done well (at least that I know of). They all flop. Why? No one takes them seriously because those who create them don't create them to be a serious fantasy movie. They create D&D movies to be campy, (I don't know how else to put this) and cheesy. The story lines are lacking. The acting is usually not good, even from famous actors, the directing usually sucks, and I usually cringe the entire time I watch them.

If D&D wants people to actually pay to see their movies, and they want to make good money on them and make more, they need to stop goofing around with them. They need to make a high quality Lord of the Rings style fantasy story that captures people's attentions. Honestly, the Harry Potter series was made for children, and it was still full of goofy moments, but it captured the hearts and minds of adults as well. Why? It had depth and wasn't some cheesy story. It was serious enough to grab people's hearts and minds.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy: "Dungeons & Dragons is goofy - because, uh, we say so - so let's not take this proposed Dungeons & Dragons film seriously."

Originally Posted by GM4Him
I'm just saying. Why don't they ever create movies based on stories like Demon Stone, Crystal Shard, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 (imagine Irenicus on the big screen - wait. Nevermind. Video games never make good movies), Pool of Radiance, Dragonlance, the Ravenloft series, The Moonshae series... SOMEthing more serious and deep.

Don't mind them; between all of the officially published settings and their accompanying novels, it is certainly possible to create at least one good Dungeons & Dragons film. By the way...given how much modern day consumers love grimdark, a pay-per-view television series based on the War of the Spider Queen books could really rake in the bucks.