Originally Posted by fylimar
Glad to see, I'm not the only one being mad about Revan. As much as I love SWTOR (and I play it for ten years now), this was a dumb decision by Bioware.

And yes, I'm not the biggest fan of Pine either.

All same here. KOTOR was my all time favorite game. Then 2 came out and pissed me off to no end. It wasn't polished and left me upset because I wanted to know what happened to Revan and the whole hole in the Force thing didn't sit well with me. But I was willing to forgive because I was hoping for number 3.

Then The Old Republic. Don't get me wrong. Like you, I LOVED that game too. I was really into the original story, though. The DLCs started to lose me - ESPECIALLY when I got to the Revan arc. I was eating the whole story up until I learned what happened and such. Then I was like, "Really? What did you do to my Revan? He was my all-time favorite Star Wars character - and that's saying something because I have a LOT of favorites (like Thrawn)."

Anyway, I know this is off topic a bit, but it is nice to chat with some people who feel the same about it. And now, to bring it back to the topic: Pine is also not one of my favorites. I thought he played Kirk well, but that's about it. I didn't like him at all in Wonder Woman... or pretty much anything else that I've seen him in. We'll see if he's good in this one.