Originally Posted by mr_planescapist
I mean apart from the story/gameplay bits, this game is basically a masturbation simulator the rest of the time right?

At least you’re ‘allowed’ joke about it here – I was promptly banned for 1 month from Steam for just asking the question: why do people want a date/masturbation simulator? Well, all right – specifically I’d addressed the question to the LGBT ‘community’ re: the whole straight-coded characters flipping their sexuality for one night.

Frankly, I was just curious, so I’ll ask it here again, because I simply don’t believe I’m trying to attack anyone by wondering what possible satisfaction could an LGBT person get from the contrivance?

It’s a basic question. I’m not saying take away the option. I’m just genuinely wondering how is it pleasing/entertaining. If Gale is constantly going on about banging the goddess (can’t remember the name), and IMO never really seemed like he was flirting with any lads on the team – is that kind of thing not a turn-off to LGBT people, or what am I getting wrong?

I can’t get my head around the ‘playersexual’ thing, because it’s trying to be so many things at once that not even James Joyce could make a convincing character out it. It just doesn’t happen in reality.

If I like a girl and get a bit of a ‘buzz’ off her, I’ll keep ‘poking’ (= conversation) to see if it goes somewhere – but if there’s even the slightest hint she’s not into it, I leave it be. Because who wants to be a creep?

That’s it. I don’t think about it again. Isn’t everyone else the same, whether you’re into the same sex or otherwise – don’t you just ‘leave it’ if the person isn’t into you? Because otherwise, you know, it’s kind of sociopathic to expect the person to ‘flip’.

Lastly – and I’m not trying to be controversial – I have, and still am, ‘propositioned’, in many different forms, by the same sex, because I work in an industry (IT) that happens to be somewhat top-heavy with such folk, for whatever reason. When you had to be physically in an office to work, 90% of those propositions were hell-on-earth level unrelenting, no matter how violently I made it clear that’s not my jam.

10% tend to be harmless – especially now that everything is remote. You’ll get them flirting with you, then you say you’ve a girlfriend and everything calms down.
It’s not all bad. But it can be. Very bad.

Anyways, maybe there’s no ‘easy’ answer to my question. But I write these things out of genuine intrigue, not shit-stirring (why would I care?). In my view of the world, it’s ok to flirt with people out of curiosity, but if they make it clear they’re not interested (whether you’re straight or LGBT), then you must leave that person alone to enjoy their view of life. You cannot ‘change’ them into something they are not.

And it can’t be fun to keep badgering them about something they’ll never do, hence making an enemy for life. There’s someone out there for everyone – if we just accept that and stop trying to chase the unachievable, then we’d all be good. IMO, playersexual is just encouraging the wrong kind of attitude to life: that everyone’s ‘game’. We’re not, and we should all be cool with that, and seek others who are ‘game’ – they’re out there too.