Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by JandK
I imagine it takes a *special* kind of person to keep throwing a fit for two years straight.
A kind of person who would be willing to pay a full price for a buggy, unfinished build of a game, and spend hours playing early heavily flawed build of the game, spoiling as the result their experience when the game is finished, just in hope to help the next installement in their favourite series be as good as it can be. There are some many cheaper, finished great games one can play, while waiting for BG3 to be finished. Obviously, a chunk of players in BG3 EA are unhealthily invested in the title.

The irony being, of course, that they were informed that this is exactly what they were going to get, bought it anyway, and then complained about getting what they were told they were going to get. We can't leave that out, as it's a very important detail to keep in mind when you see posters using "arguments" like "clueless" about other players, and moderators publicly shaming anyone that has the audacity to disagree.