Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Originally Posted by 1varangian
No, because the game encourages cheesy tactics and metagaming over in-character class based tactics and does not reward good resource management. Tactical combat lacks depth. Puzzle boss fights don't feel like an RPG, BG or D&D.

No, because the companion pool is too small and will be too small at full release. Origin characters / multiple protagonists does not appeal to me at all. D&D is all about creating your own character and not playing someone else's.

No, because the great magic item design of D&D is being overwritten by a bland MMO style loot grind with weird gamey items.
+1 to all of this.
I never understanded this kind of attitude ...
I wonder how exactly the is encouraging "cheesy tactics" ... since as far as i know, i never feld any encouraging at all. O_o

But it feels sometimes like some people feel compelled to use every single option the game provides, just bcs they are there ... i pitty such people, if that is the phylosophy they follow in their lives, tho ... elevators in really tall buildings have to be inventions from hell to them. O_o
Even tho i know some kinds find it funny when it stops in every single floor.
Yes, certainly, when the game encourages those ridiculous cheesy tactics and options for playing the game I don't have to use them. And I don't and never will. The problem, though, is that the game is built to get players to do those things, and as such the rewards system is structured to benefit and advantage those players who do use them, which by definition also means that players who don't use them get screwed in one or more ways: loot, XPs, story/quest options and outcomes, more aggravating combat, etc.