Originally Posted by OcO
I think there is a disconnect here. Wormerine is implying that like you said in your reply to him, players knew what they were getting. They are not complaining about that aspect. Nearly all the complaints on these boards are mechanics issues...and those very much are one of the reasons we as players where invited into the EA by Larian. They wanted to know what works and what doesn't.

The problem, as I see it, isn't the feedback.

The feedback has already been given. What we're experiencing now is the equivalent of ballot stuffing. People continuing to harp on about the same issues to make noise, by their own admission, in the hopes that they're more likely to be recognized. It's functionally unethical, in my opinion.

Not to mention, I don't personally consider it feedback anymore--constructive or otherwise--when the same handful of folks use just about any and every opportunity to bring up the same things in every thread. It doesn't matter what the thread's about: it's an opportunity to bring up shove or the lack of a day/night mechanic or complain about movement. So on and so on.

Again, the feedback has been given. This is no longer in the realm of feedback. It's effectively bullying and ballot stuffing.