
Party of 6

Long Rest/Short Rest mechanics fix

Shove sucks

Gith/Dragon scene makes no sense

Companions make no sense

Reactions like Solasta


You know. We usually bring things up again and again because they continue to drive us crazy, and we're trying to help develop solutions hoping Larian will maybe, just maybe, listen. That and the fact that someone new comes into the forum and again complains about the same issue, giving the same or similar feedback that we do. So, we once again start talking about it.

Look. Until they tell me they aren't going to give us Day/Night for sure, or Party of 6, or fix Resting, or Shove or whatever, I'm going to keep bringing the stuff up when I think of something new or when someone else brings it up.

You know. You could just stop reading posts that are the same complaints over and over. You could ignore them. There's no such thing as ballot stuffing out here. We're all screaming into a void with Composer periodically finding nuggets he thinks are good and sending them to the team. It's not voting. They're not counting up how many times someone says fix Shove.