Since we're still using this thread as a general other RPG discussion thread... Something I've been super stoked for was finally officially announced.
I never got a chance to play this, as the most recent re-release was essentially trapped on the PSP. But I've heard over the years that Japanese gamers basically consider this game to be akin to what Planescape: Torment represents to cRPG enthusiasts, and still widely considered one of the best RPGs of all time across the ocean, from a time before JRPGs largely veered into inane teenage power of friendship plots. I will finally get to see if that assessment is well deserved this November.
Supposedly, the game's main draw on the narrative side is that it's largely political along with focusing on its human/mortal cast, rather than most other JRPGs focusing on the fantastical aspects. And there's three branching paths in the narrative influenced by decisions made earlier in the game (listed as Chaos, Neutral, and Law from what little research I've done on the game), and even smaller branches of each path that can dictate things like how a particular mission can play out, or if a character becomes recruitable or dies as a result of your decisions. There's so many branches that there's even a function to roll back your story progress with your party levels and items intact so you can experience everything without having to fully restart the game. It was apparently super ambitious for its time, and still considered super ambitious considering the current state of JRPGs today.