Originally Posted by Drath Malorn
Originally Posted by Wormerine
But it’s not funny if Boo is anything more then a normal, unremarkable hamster.

What I'm slightly worried about (and it's really way, way at the bottom of my list of worries), is that BG3 will probably have to settle the question :

Is Boo actually a smart, miniature giant space hamster, as Minsc tells everyone Boo is ? Or is this all Minsc imagination running too wild, and Boo is a regular hamster ?

As far as I recall, BG1&2 as well as the comics didn't really settle the question. And this was great. It allows everyone to read the Boo-Minsc situation the way they want.

In the comics Boo could fight, sneak into enemy bases to spy, coordinate his attacks with the team, detect evil, could react to both Minsc and the others' commands, and generally showed initiative. If he's a normal hamster, he must have chewed a lot of Tomes of Intelligence.

I wouldn't mind either version: normal or giant miniature. If the writers are smart about it, they can make it fun. I really liked the comics - as weird and goofy as they could be sometimes.

Minsc is Minsc. A very polarizing character. If we do get him as a companion, he'll be on my team because we need some goofyness after Astarion, Shadowheart, and Gale's doom and gloom. In fact, I'll probably keep both Minsc and Astarion to see if they ever fight each-other, BG1-2 style.

When it comes to insuferable characters, Jaheira was that for me. A dozen 'yeeesss, oh omnipresent authority figure?' later she went off to fight a dire wolf. By herself. So tragic. Much cry. Khalid was devastated, but he got better.
