BG3 has the closest feel to D&D of any computer game I've played.
It allows outside the box thinking to beat encounters including using verticality, sneaking, interacting with objects, interacting with the environment, disguises, persuasion, splitting the party, and non lethal combat. The world is so much more dynamic than any CRPG that I've ever played.

BG3 has allowed me to re-create (at least to level 4) virtually every D&D character I've played since 2nd edition. (Except of course Monks and Paladins)
I usually play online with friends and it's an absolute blast.

If I could change anything about the game I would divorce the plot from long rests. The most long rests I've ever used in a play-through is 7 so even though I've played over 1000 hours of early access I've never seen a companion's entire story. Before I started playing online with friends I didn't even know there were dream sequences.

The few times I did a zero long rest play through the game broke at the end when the plot requires you to long rest after rescuing Haslin and taking him back to the grove.
The game had no clue what cut-scene to run.

Yes BG3 allows me to play how I like.
The time pressure in the plot forces me to rest as little as possible, which means I'm often adventuring at low health with little or no spell slots which forces me to use every scroll and potion in my possession.
The party size keeps combat challenging and gives tons of variety in party composition.
BG3 allows for creativity and multiple ways of solving encounters which is the essence of D&D.