Again, the vote on the extremes is more or less a headcount on which extreme people would prefer if it ever came down to that.

It would also offer insight on WHAT a middle ground should look like, and on which side of the extremes that said middle ground should be designed around first. There is a big difference between the following two 'middle ground' concepts:

- Design for full automation first, with options for prompts afterwards.
- Design for full prompts first, with options for automation afterwards.

There are certain implications with either approach. The first approach has an implication that certain abilities may be designed and implemented based on ease of automation before anything else, with options to control how they are used through prompts later. The second approach would instead have an implication that certain abilities may be implemented in ways much closer to their tabletop versions, with options for automation to reduce the frequency of prompts in situations that players may find redundant later.

It's quite a big difference, and it's definitely worth measuring preferences based on that context.

As for a few other things I should probably mention, I made the poll hide results until after voting for two reasons.

1) To force as many people as possible to log in/register and vote
2) It is not really meant to be used as a bludgeon for or against either side of the debate, hence my posts in this thread trying to remain as impartial as possible. Larian appears to favor hard statistics in their feedback over all these megathreads that no one is sure what kind of feedback they are taking from them, and I would not taint these results with personal bullshit.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 08/08/22 09:59 AM.