Joined: Jan 2017
Oh, there are plenty of reasons why I find combat boring right now. Speed is just a big one. And I'd like to think that they know it's an issue, but the squeaky wheel gets the oil - if we talk about it here, there's a greater chance that it gets prioritized. Not only that but it takes forever to load the game I thought that was a feature they added for folks who want to discourage save scumming.
Joined: Sep 2015
I agree to the thread title.
selecting when to use which reaction would be really nice. Of couse this would mean to implement the reaction spells properly.
 Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist  World leading expert of artificial stupidity. Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already
Joined: Apr 2020
Really liking the ability to block an incoming attack with a shield spell. The 5e Spells mod has the Shield spell. It's not quite like Solasta's but it's works.
Joined: Apr 2020
I definitely want reactions RAW. Especially with spells like Shield. What good is having an Abjurer subclass nerfed on hp and no Shield spell. Basically you leave Wizard with only one option, a blaster. That is NOT what a D&D Wizard is designed for. It's the least effective way to play a 5e Wizard. And the most boring. Sorcerers and Warlocks are better blasters anyway. But with casual players complaining about the length of combat, I seriously doubt we'll see anything close to the 5e reaction system in BG3. Shame  The length of combat wouldn't be an issue if it weren't so boring. This is largely down to enemies taking way too long to make decisions, but getting to make decisions about reactions could help a bit. Enemies seem to take longer, the more patches we get.
Joined: Apr 2020
First time I read Solasta thing here, I said to myself : well there are just a bunch of advertisers of this game, bla bla I checked, and read that Solasta did not really respect all the rules (some different classes, because they are not ALLOWED to implement the full set of rules) So first it strenghtened my first impression BUT... I gave it a try, and, oh my... ! It is so true : implementation of reactions with choices offered when it is the right moment, respect of the bonus actions, movements on SQUARES, ETC... this is SOooo d&d ON THE TABLE So yes, yes, yes, there are definitely some ideas that Larian should check here, for the happiness of d&d lovers, and we are many here
Joined: Apr 2020
I definitely want reactions RAW. Especially with spells like Shield. What good is having an Abjurer subclass nerfed on hp and no Shield spell. Basically you leave Wizard with only one option, a blaster. That is NOT what a D&D Wizard is designed for. It's the least effective way to play a 5e Wizard. And the most boring. Sorcerers and Warlocks are better blasters anyway. But with casual players complaining about the length of combat, I seriously doubt we'll see anything close to the 5e reaction system in BG3. Shame  The length of combat wouldn't be an issue if it weren't so boring. This is largely down to enemies taking way too long to make decisions, but getting to make decisions about reactions could help a bit. Enemies will get faster at making their decisions as Larian has more time to upgrade the AI. The speed at which they think now shouldn't be taken into account when deciding major game design choices. This.
Joined: Oct 2020
Ugh, no. Combat moves slow as hell as is, without it constantly interrupting me "Hey, you wanna cast shield? Hey, you wanna use your opportunity attack?".
Joined: Oct 2020
I definitely want reactions RAW. Especially with spells like Shield. What good is having an Abjurer subclass nerfed on hp and no Shield spell. Basically you leave Wizard with only one option, a blaster. That is NOT what a D&D Wizard is designed for. It's the least effective way to play a 5e Wizard. And the most boring. Sorcerers and Warlocks are better blasters anyway. But with casual players complaining about the length of combat, I seriously doubt we'll see anything close to the 5e reaction system in BG3. Shame  The length of combat wouldn't be an issue if it weren't so boring. This is largely down to enemies taking way too long to make decisions, but getting to make decisions about reactions could help a bit. Enemies will get faster at making their decisions as Larian has more time to upgrade the AI. The speed at which they think now shouldn't be taken into account when deciding major game design choices. This. NOT this. AI is hard, adding more variables makes it harder. This shit isnt easy to code, so I don't know why you would expect it to magically happen.
Joined: Oct 2020
Yes, let's make BG3 like Solasta........................................... Glad im not the only one ... Solasta this, Solasta that, Solasta good, you bad. -_- It really starts to feel like advertising bots sometimes. :-/ Solasta looks like a mobile game. If it was a tabletop simulator mod, it would be pretty cool, but right now it's just mediocre graphics with a straightjacket rules implementation and no DM running the show. I play D&D for fun, not to simply bask in the "glory" of D&D's often mediocre rules. A D&D video game needs to capture the gist, but primarily be a good VIDEO GAME.
Joined: Oct 2020
Enemies will get faster at making their decisions as Larian has more time to upgrade the AI. The speed at which they think now shouldn't be taken into account when deciding major game design choices. This. NOT this. AI is hard, adding more variables makes it harder. This shit isnt easy to code, so I don't know why you would expect it to magically happen. Oh course it isn't easy and I wouldn't expect it to magically happen overnight. I do however acknowledge how much pride Larian takes in their games and I expect that they will continue to upgrade their AI until they are satisfied with it. Given the comparison in AI turn speed between DOS and BG, I'd say it's safe to assume that they aren't satisfied yet and we will see great improvements in the AI by the time the game releases.
Joined: Mar 2020
Yeah i think combat speed wont be an issue at release. There are a lot of things (double-clicking for dash, clicking for sneak attack, separating jump from disengage so we dont use it every round - these already add a lot of time to combat) they can tweak so it doesnt take away time unnecesarily, regarding the long decisions of the enemy they are still constantly adding things for the AI to do it which means they have to alter the action priorization and behaviour setup eventually and usually thats only finished when they start to work on difficulty levels etc. (closer to release) i remember dos2 combat AI was much slower at the beginning of EA to decide what it will do and got faster for release. Im pretty satisfied with the speed of animations i have to say it will add a lot to the full picture. And i agree, for me: combat needs to be more interesting (less repetitive) but thee is a lot of feedback on that already. Regarding reactions I think some of them could be left automated but not the tricky ones, we will see which route they will go soon i guess.
Joined: Nov 2020
Absolutely agree as well. +1
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Here is the thing about a prompter asking if you want to take a reaction, and if so; what that reaction will be: It *WONT* make things feel "slow" or stop the pace of the battle. Why not? Because it's on an enemy turn. It will just feel great because even though the enemy is doing things on their turn, suddenly stuff pauses and YOU get a say in the development of the enemy actions! It gives the player agency and control, and that wont feel like "the battle is slowing down" or anything like that, cause these things happen outside your turn.
I *TRULY* wish they implement something like that.
Joined: Oct 2020
The best solution to appease everyone would be to leave the reactions icons where they are but give them three states (off, manual and automatic). Off and automatic work how they do now, manual means there is a three second popup on the screen to allow you to make a reaction. If you’re not paying attention, too bad – it is a reaction after all.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
The best solution to appease everyone would be to leave the reactions icons where they are but give them three states (off, manual and automatic). Off and automatic work how they do now, manual means there is a three second popup on the screen to allow you to make a reaction. If you’re not paying attention, too bad – it is a reaction after all. Yeah that's good. Give people options. =)
Joined: Feb 2020
I don't know if Solasta's solution would suit BGE but we have to be able tu use our reactions like in D&D.
This is a core feature of D&D and what makes combats more "realistic" / more "Real time" / "less common TB combats".
I don't know how but they'll have to find a better solution.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Yeah. Like Maximise I'm not going to say "Solasta does it this way, make it like that!". But there has to be something. Some effort at interpreting these mechanics.
Optimistically Apocalyptic
Joined: Jun 2020
Yes, let's make BG3 like Solasta........................................... Glad im not the only one ... Solasta this, Solasta that, Solasta good, you bad. -_- It really starts to feel like advertising bots sometimes. :-/ Solasta looks like a mobile game. If it was a tabletop simulator mod, it would be pretty cool, but right now it's just mediocre graphics with a straightjacket rules implementation and no DM running the show. I play D&D for fun, not to simply bask in the "glory" of D&D's often mediocre rules. A D&D video game needs to capture the gist, but primarily be a good VIDEO GAME. Agree.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
AOO and several other reaction spells are already in the game and it happens automatically that's good enough.
Joined: Nov 2020
I fine with either forms of reactions.
I find it kind of funny that Solasta is not allowed to use many Dnd things, but they try hard to be RAW. In contrast BG3 is sort of given free rein, but they want other things besides RAW. I like both games and I'm very much looking forward to them both.