Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Despite its style, Tuco is the majority by far in this thread as proven by the numbers I've given on page 36.
Not sure he had to convince many of us though.
Yep. "despise my style" I don't really need to do any strong convincing because the majority of opinions arguing how bad this control system is every time this topic comes up ANYWHERE, on any board, is downright *plebiscitarian*.
We are talking numbers like "80% of people don't like it, 15% think it has a lot of problems, 4% don't really care and 1 single JandK every now and then will defend it with his life (and then secretly hate it anyway, when ACTUALLY playing the game, because let's be fucking serious for a second)".

How is it working out for me? Poorly, given that Larian doesn't seem to care how bad and unpopular it is and I will never get a game with good controls.

Still, not sure why the guy is even rambling about this now, since I gave up on any hope to see the chain system improved more than a year ago.
We were talking about the importance to have a better formation control precisely as a bland attempt to salvage thisbad joke of a control scheme.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN